LF " iris sweater "
" iris sweater " [ Commercial License ] ♡
Products on my Gumroad will have a slightly raised price compared to my Sellfy shop, to cover Gumroad fees.https://sincerelysleepy.com/p/irissweater ♡ASSET INFORMATION ; POLYCOUNT [ Iris Sweater - 5,754 tris ]rigged1 material6 texturesheart cutout texao map/normalFit to Zinpia's RP Base flat foot vers.!** head/body/hair not included **Head: StarlynnBody: ZinpiaATTENTION: If you do not fill out the checkout fields properly, your license is invalid and you may not use my product commercially.If you are gifting this product to another, please use the gift feature and put THEIR information in at checkout!Do not share this product or their file passwords please and thank you.If you are using this asset on a Commission, BOTH people must have purchased it!Allowed on Sale/Personal/Public avatars, NOT to be used on Free or Nitro avatars.View TOS (Terms of Service) before purchasing for a full list of my rulesFor any questions or concerns, create a support ticket in my Discord server!Socials
Gumroad (sleepysdiary.gumroad.com)