[LF] Face Tracking - Vulper DLC by Han's Creations
Face Tracking - Vulper DLC
This is an alternative, more exaggerated style to what comes with the model originally. It also fixes a few bugs!Latest supported version: v1.013 (Untested with v1.018, but let me know if it works!)FeaturesComes with Unified Expressions (UE) blendshape format. This works with all face tracking methods, including Quest Pro, Vive, iPhone, and Android. The blendshapes supported are...:EyebrowsEyesCheeksJawLipsTongueUnity Package with a one-click in-editor patcher. This product will NOT work without the base model, found here. CreditsVRCFaceTracking - Compatible software by benaclejamesAdjerry91 - VRCFT TemplateReval, Meaty, Royalty - Original model creatorsValueFactory - Unity Editor script creatorContactWebsite
Gumroad (hantnor.gumroad.com)