craziest experiences w/ vrchat avatar creators
ive never interacted with stupidbaby but i hate how her avatars are all the same esp with the same ugly head
also would like to add beaniebaby being a pedo
I got blacklisted buying Confusey's avatars because I had trouble editing a avatar I purchased. Turns out Gonzo anti-rip prevents ANY sort of editing and refused to state that. Gladly somebody cracked the avatar and reposted it here but that's the first and last time I'll purchase any avatar from them or anybody that uses that stupid ass system.
@irawryou just learned about gonzo today. what an awful way to treat a customer, i'm sorry you had an experience like that. i bought an avatar from weebshavegay once and they used that dumb lemon uploader so you weren't even given a unity package, you had to trust them with your login information and they uploaded it for you. systems like that and gonzo are what kills sales for creators because why would anyone spend money on an avatar they can't edit? at that point we would just use public avatars
@kitten exactly. It makes no sense. those systems kill potential sales because who would want to trust a stranger to login to your account. They could not even give you what you paid for.
the argument against this is that avatar creators get "peace of mind" for their avatars getting leaked in the first few weeks of release, and while this is great; many creators are purposely voiding to include the important information that edits aren't allowed due to encryption;
what I find even worse is that many avatars I've personally bought have some major clipping issues or are heavily unoptimized; I like doing optimization of avatars and compressing 30 meshes into 1 or 2 meshes while maintaining high texture quality is a therapeutic process for me
Gonso's Licenser I don't think is a bad idea, but it does the community terribly by allowing a platform to creators like this one who directly harass and threaten the community, as well as creators that aren't keeping up with what should be the standard of optimizations - or at the very least making content that isn't broken on release, rammed by toggle/fx/material issues or in many cases egregious clipping issues
I'm not in disagreement - I don't support Gonso's Licenser, at its core it's giving a sense of safety to creators who are using it to push the limits of respect to the community that purchases their products
and on the topic of the other uploader mentioned:
you had to trust them with your login information and they uploaded it for you
this is horrific. what's the point of a username-password combo if you're just going to give it to someone you don't know for a product you should have possession of anyway?
you pay well close to a triple-A game DLC for a product. you should receive that product - not the illusion of owning something that could be taken away from you at any point
maybe in another time, this system would have been better received, just not in the current state of the creator community
@zeta-zaza a DLL is included inside the avatar unitypackage that handles the uploading of the avatar's main files (FX, Menu, Parameters, and Meshes) - these are pre-encrypted with AES-level encryption
the avatar FBX is not included, so there are no blender edits that can be made - the textures are editable, and you cannot remove/change parameters or FX items already on the avatar, you can only add to them and they get combined upon uploading
you cannot resolve this by simply removing the GonsoLicense DLL, as it is required to obtain an encryption key from a separate API that ingests your unique License key you receive upon purchase of the avatar
@taikeru i just saw the post with latitia you referenced and holy crap. "people who steal will have their families killed." what the absolute fuck is wrong with that person? i've never seen anything like that in my life. what an awful thing to say over pixels. do idiots like that not realize this just makes me want to do it more? to pray on their downfall and aid in it? what an awful person. you know what has stuck with me since the day i learned about it? there is a game called ultrakill, and the developer learned of a user who made a post about pirating his game and playing it for free. you know what he said?
"as creator of said game: you should support indies if you can, but culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it. ultrakill wouldn't exist if i hadn't had easy access to movies, music and games growing up.
if you don't have money, you can support via word of mouth."
ー didn't get angry. he didn't degrade. he understood not everyone can pay for his game and thanked the user for playing his work. vrchat avatars are bottom of the barrel. it isn't a game a team of people spent months or years on. it isn't a job. it's pre-made assets put together in a matter of a few days by a person with the thought of money in mind. you know how much ultrakill is? like $12 usd. meanwhile most avatars are $25+ usd. and yet creators wonder why we lose respect for them and do what we do. they have no shame. they don't bother to try to understand. they just take and take from you and your wallet if you let them.
and i actually buy my avatars from certain creators! because i agree with their work ethic, enjoy what they make and i want to support them and what they do. but most creators just have money in mind and they throw together a bunch of re-used assets and slap a $35 price tag on it. of course i'm not going to support or pay money for that
@kitten mimi actually scammed me out of a commison.
@THEboothbabe whatt??? i'm so sorry that happened to you :(( if you have chat logs, receipt of payment or anything i would honestly go to the creators they are partnered with and tell them she scammed you. that way if THOSE creators aren't shitty people they would blacklist mimi from their discord and spread the word to the people THEY are partnered with. it's like when people in vrc get blacklisted from major clubs, they normally get blacklisted from all clubs that are partnered with the one they got blacklisted from. at the very least i hope mimi didn't take any money from you before doing what she did :((
@kitten there is a great NEW creator going around. mimi AND her have some beef her server and community is so awsome and so kind,she released a new avatar it IS unoptimized and a lil pricey. but it is her first and she is a awsome person!
@kitten yea i tried going to other people but they banned me
@kitten i also recomond sockem!! she just actually gifted me a avatar ;( which she didnt have to do, all just because i said dang it i wanted it,(i didnt win a giveaway) in chat. she mainly sells free assets!
@THEboothbabe it really makes me so upset people who have the power to help those who have been scammed or done wrong choose to also scam and do wrong or just look the other way. i'm sorry that happened to you. it is so disheartening some vrchat creators look away from their fellow peers being awful. i'll be sure to check out the creators you mentioned!
For me the second worst creator is stupidbaby because she always tries to act like a sweet little girl but she is just wrong in every way and she stole things from a friend and passed them off as her own. And I think the worst of all is aika. She is just so arrogant and an extreme drama queen who badmouths everything and everyone and has stolen herself in the past and still copies from secondlife today, if not steals. It really annoys me that their stuff is no longer stolen and shared, but I would never support someone like that.
@BaldurPorta I never leaked their stuff. You're just accusing me of that LOL
@irawryou believe me, i know you did. btw, confusey dont just blacklist people for editing their avatars. The only people confusey blacklists are people who's licenses are tagged as shared (aka someone else tried to use your license, aka they got your license, aka you gave them their license/package)
@BaldurPorta most delusional gonso defender ever