My trade list ! :>
Very rude, demeaned me during dms and wanted to be unfair during trades, told me I didn't know how to count. AND tried to use a second Discord account to trade with me under the guise of a separate person. Avoid this one. I have screenshots if needed. I'm blocking.
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Very rude, demeaned me during dms and wanted to be unfair during trades, told me I didn't know how to count. AND tried to use a second Discord account to trade with me under the guise of a separate person. Avoid this one. I have screenshots if needed. I'm blocking.
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@UNI Yeah I still have the screenshots, it was a while ago, but you can dm me on Discord for them. Also the guy literally deleted all the posts, and even commented with his second acc and deleted it after.. It was blatantly obvious. If you need the screenshots again yes you can dm me on Discord for them.. that's why I include it in my bio.
@TradingGround Also this guy deleted before you made your account here, yet you traded with him? I'm sure he's lurking around with another user on the site, I've had my suspicions on who.
@TradingGround Because I follow them and see what they post all the time? So that's why I commented. Also your post on this has -4, you can only downvote one time my guy. But anyways- just like me, Uni could of also asked for the screenshots in DMs. On that note, I don't know.. still wouldn't trust the person who also changed their name to "fxxkuguys" right off the bat. But that's just me personally.
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@TradingGround Ramuda is one of the many good friends of mine I made through trading. They were here when the incident happened and so I dm'd him about it as well.
I've never had any issues with anyone before I interacted with RIDDIN, and then after the incident and a few others who he's sent to trade with me, who have the exact same rare assets I've ever only saw with him.
I'm glad I took the screenshots after the interaction because since then he has deleted multiple responses from the dms. Again, I have the screenshots and anyone who wants them can dm me, as he's been banned already, and this topic is old I didn't pursue the issue further.
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@UNI Because the guy in question changed his name to "fuck you guys" as soon as someone talked poorly of him and then made an alt account to back himself up instead of trying to simply post screenshots themselves? That's pretty standard behavior for someone who can't actually argue with a claim imo.
@UNI Because the guy in question changed his name to "fuck you guys" as soon as someone talked poorly of him and then made an alt account to back himself up instead of trying to simply post screenshots themselves? That's pretty standard behavior for someone who can't actually argue with a claim imo.
@UNI Yeah I still have the screenshots, it was a while ago, but you can dm me on Discord for them. Also the guy literally deleted all the posts, and even commented with his second acc and deleted it after.. It was blatantly obvious. If you need the screenshots again yes you can dm me on Discord for them.. that's why I include it in my bio.
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@UNI Yes you may see the screenshots, however I would have publicly posted them myself if I thought it appropriate. The user has been dealt with already by admins, I believe if he weren't already banned, then yes they would need to be publicly posted.
But because this post has been done for quite a while now, and the situation has been handled without being contacted by more than 3 people for the screenshots (which I've sent). I think it is haplessly unnecessary at this point.
@TradingGround You can also dm me for the screenshots, as you've dm'd me for trades before but never asked for the proof.
When you guys aren't even really acknowledging what Rae said.
Wild. Either way I think the fact of the matter is, yeah- the admins have already dealt with it.
@UNI Yes you may see the screenshots, however I would have publicly posted them myself if I thought it appropriate. The user has been dealt with already by admins, I believe if he weren't already banned, then yes they would need to be publicly posted.
But because this post has been done for quite a while now, and the situation has been handled without being contacted by more than 3 people for the screenshots (which I've sent). I think it is haplessly unnecessary at this point.
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@UNI Again, you've yet to dm me for any screenshot proof. My actions, reputation, and history on the forums show my character and goodwill, and are most likely why people defend my end. I'm sorry you feel that way personally, but many people not involved with myself or RIDDIN felt the same way. As of now, you keep escalating the issue when it's been resolved for a while now. I cannot stress the proof given as well as his incriminating actions in which he has proven himself to be a bad actor.
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@UNI If you think this is about Idia you're dead wrong. I've literally never interacted with anyone on this forum outside of the forum, haven't even had my acc for a month yet, and have never had an in depth talk with anyone on this forum either. This is the most messages I've seen on one conversation* topic tbh. It's just blatantly obvious when someone acts like that, that they were at the very least in the wrong somewhere along the way.
As someone who was legitimately a compulsive liar when I was in my tweens to cope with me moving all the time and has had to deal with many of them over the years since then, the way things were handled by the individual in question was a VERY typical example of such an individual when they get called out on their BS.
I really don't see why there needs to be drama and personal opinions of people brought up when apparently even the admins took measures towards the person? I don't know how to tell if that's the case or not though.
Hello guys, I personally traded with Idia, RIDIDIN & TradingGround here frequently & I would like to just clear a little misunderstanding.
I just want to say that perhaps RIDIDIN didn't handle the conversation well with Idia previously, I believe due to a little language barrier / not clarifying whatsoever trade rules they may have beforehand.
I can promise that RIDIDIN is not a scammer & able to provide some screenshots dating 4 to 5 months back, that I am trading with them very often. The same goes for Idia.
I personally feel that this entire thread is completely meaningless to talk about when the adminstrator of the forum has already dealt with it.
But since there's still mixed opinions on a already dealt with topic, here's some screenshots & hopefully it can clear some doubts for Idia & RIDIDIN.
*Please take note of the dates on the messages. of us here are traders & leakers, there's no advantages over one or another, at the end of the day, as time progresses, assets will still be leaked one way or another.
Just treat others how you want to be treated, be kind & fair, it's understandable how these topics can get so heated sometimes since it often involves with time & money.