Found!: Razzle Dazzle V2
its canopa v2 being uploaded not razzle dazzle so far you can check by going to community>moderation on vr models
@sɯɐǝɹᗡ-ꓤɅ @CookiesNCreme Why do you write "Bump" if I've already dropped the link to the avatar
@sɯɐǝɹᗡ-ꓤɅ @CookiesNCreme Why do you write "Bump" if I've already dropped the link to the avatar
@MrMisterio2022 You linked Canopa, this is a post for Razzle Dazzle
@sɯɐǝɹᗡ-ꓤɅ @CookiesNCreme Why do you write "Bump" if I've already dropped the link to the avatar
@MrMisterio2022 i just said a couple days ago canopa was being posted but not razzle dazzle they are 2 different avis and please read the post your commenting on next time
yeah not the right avi, anyways uh BUMP
@Malkin @CookiesNCreme @Eclipselunarmoon @justaflower_ It's the same avatar, just a changed name, why don't you understand that?
@Malkin @CookiesNCreme @Eclipselunarmoon @justaflower_ It's the same avatar, just a changed name, why don't you understand that?
@MrMisterio2022 it's literally not though if you look at the link in the op.
@Malkin @CookiesNCreme @Eclipselunarmoon @justaflower_ It's the same avatar, just a changed name, why don't you understand that?
@MrMisterio2022 how are u so confidently wrong?