LF: New avatar Rawra
オリジナル3Dモデル「ラウラ」 - はてな商店はなぞの店 - BOOTH
・VRChat向けオリジナル3Dモデル「ラウラ」(Rawra/らうら) ・VRChatのAvatar3.0向け設定済み(Unity2018、Unity2019対応確認済み) ・PhysBone設定済みPrefab有り(DynamicBone版もあります) ・Psdファイル付属 ・ユニティちゃんトゥーンシェーダー2.0使用 ( https://unity-chan.com/download/releaseNote.php?id=UTS2_0) ・Quest対応(VeryPoor、Quest版は一部Expression Menuが動作しません) ・VRChatアバター試着ワールド (
Anyone can help
PS: You accidentally posted an LF in the Lime thread (the wrong place).
PS: You accidentally posted an LF in the Lime thread (the wrong place).
@avatarofcorn thank you
PS: You accidentally posted an LF in the Lime thread (the wrong place).
@avatarofcorn sorry
PS: You accidentally posted an LF in the Lime thread (the wrong place).
@avatarofcorn do you still have the file? the link died.
@avatarofcorn do you still have the file? the link died.
Workupload only keeps files for 30 days I think.
Workupload only keeps files for 30 days I think.
@avatarofcorn thamk you!
bump for 1.06
reup pleaS3E