LF: Quest対応多機能アバターペン-YagiPen
@petals Talk to me by Private
@petals Talk to me by Private
@ArimaruRIP I have messaged privately, i'll try again now
@petals if you get some stuff can i have some? i really need mamehinata things!!
@Devilsdelight Do you have any mamehinata things? Maybe we can compare and give eachother (i'm trying to collect as much as I can of mamehinata)
@Devilsdelight Do you have any mamehinata things? Maybe we can compare and give eachother (i'm trying to collect as much as I can of mamehinata)
@petals i made a recent post with all my mamehinata things in my googledrive
Here is 1.16. https://workupload.com/file/pZW9Hv4BJhr
LF: v2.21 bump