LF : ✨Cuddle Heart✨
Looking for this Set specificaly for Selestia, but full set is also appreciated~
Cuddle Heart
by ILE
【10アバター対応】 ✨Cuddle Heart✨ - ILE - BOOTH
----日本語---- 8月9日から8月20日まで 1200円→900円 セール! (300円OFF) フルセット 2600円→1900円 セール! (700円OFF) Twitterで #ILEShop タグを付けていただければ、リツイートいたします。 この商品にはコンポーネント以外の髪型や下着・アクセサリーは含まれません。 本モデルは Unity 2022.3.6.f1で衣装をセットアップしています。 それ以外のバージョンでの動作は保証できません。 lilToonの最新バージョンをお使いください! RimShade設定付です。 胸のシェイプキーはBig
+1 fullset
Enjoy! (OLD FullSet)
https://www.mediafire.com/file/lpxfg6pzrk0m3mw/CuddleHeart.7z/file -
Enjoy! (OLD FullSet)
https://www.mediafire.com/file/lpxfg6pzrk0m3mw/CuddleHeart.7z/file@HoldMyBeerFFS Thank you !!!
@HoldMyBeerFFS can you do an updated upload? They added support for Shinra & Sio
(FullSet) Updated 18th October 2024
Hope this the updated one, just downloaded everything from this moment of message
https://www.mediafire.com/file/saufw8zfwufgibt/CuddleHeart.7z/file -
@HoldMyBeerFFS can you do an updated upload? They added support for Shinra & Sio
@LilNasX Let me know if that's updated version, I never had an notification from the store.
@LilNasX Let me know if that's updated version, I never had an notification from the store.
@HoldMyBeerFFS this is the updated version, tysm
@LilNasX Let me know if that's updated version, I never had an notification from the store.
@HoldMyBeerFFS Shinano version has been added, could you check if the fullversion pack also got updated?
@HoldMyBeerFFS Shinano version has been added, could you check if the fullversion pack also got updated?
@Mrpo27 It should be updated. Lemme know if not.
@Mrpo27 It should be updated. Lemme know if not.