LF - pH MotionWorks Dance Animations
Looking for these! Would really love the dances from this Booth store. They're really nice and smooth. Any would be nice but my fav ones would be these:
Looking for these! Would really love the dances from this Booth store. They're really nice and smooth. Any would be nice but my fav ones would be these:
@Minako (Spanish-ES_es) Hola Minako, de los bailes que mencionas de pHM tengo adquiridos en booth.pm los siguientes:
- Rakuten Point, Arona Dance, Loli God Requiem Part B y TocaToca Dance.
(Tambien tengo de thedao77: Pokemon Dance, Maitake y Shikanoko.
Si necesitas alguno escribeme y te preparo un enlace de mega con los bailes que pidas.
- Rakuten Point, Arona Dance, Loli God Requiem Part B y TocaToca Dance.
Looking for these! Would really love the dances from this Booth store. They're really nice and smooth. Any would be nice but my fav ones would be these:
@Minako (ES-es) Enlace de los Bailes que mencione anteriormente: https://mega.nz/folder/wj4WASSD#_ZDG8lvShfxuaiuawZBhnw
(Este enlace lo tengo configurado para que en una semana sea borrado, si lo volveis a necesitar avisarme.)
Bump for this one https://phmotionworks.booth.pm/items/6197135
@Minako Link Renewed (Link Renovado): https://mega.nz/folder/Eqoy2QrC#nLboHYBelISCCT8Kg_fEjg
"no time" ^^