Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:
here https://mega.nz/file/VCNA1LbT#yFA7PLqYzZAtf-TKGfj7yeeClgPXv7awsjkkhb_ZOZw all i ask is for the kat kit to be got
@omarstar6 Thank you! The OP Has been updated.
@omarstar6 Thank you! The OP Has been updated.
@Yuri-Fanatic @omarstar6 Cat Kit has been got by @xigudj in this thread~
LF: Runa Kat Kit
here's - [register or login to view this hidden content]
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
Also the Booba update for Ad Astra texture was found by @expbug in THIS thread~
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/4006/lf-updated-runa-texture-packs-2-of-5-found/47?_=1682873897786(Warning: Ad Astra textures are 4k so may want to compress it a bit so it's not an insane texture memory if you care about that stuff)
Also the Booba update for Ad Astra texture was found by @expbug in THIS thread~
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/4006/lf-updated-runa-texture-packs-2-of-5-found/47?_=1682873897786(Warning: Ad Astra textures are 4k so may want to compress it a bit so it's not an insane texture memory if you care about that stuff)
Heyhey, another update!
Machine Learning was found by @LexRidow2 in this thread:
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/5295/lf-runa-machine-learning-outfit/6?_=1683132248430And Nightbringer was also found by Lex in THIS thread:
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/5280/lf-runa-machine-learning-outfit-nightbringer-set/8?_=1683132248437very poggers~
Heyhey, another update!
Machine Learning was found by @LexRidow2 in this thread:
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/5295/lf-runa-machine-learning-outfit/6?_=1683132248430And Nightbringer was also found by Lex in THIS thread:
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/5280/lf-runa-machine-learning-outfit-nightbringer-set/8?_=1683132248437very poggers~
here's LKModel's Evening Dress:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/0jms2gw8go9kxcc/dress_by_LKModels_1.1.zip/file -
here's LKModel's Evening Dress:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/0jms2gw8go9kxcc/dress_by_LKModels_1.1.zip/file@ABrokeGuy Thank you! Added it to the OP.
[Lazy Devil Set]
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/4098/lf-more-runa-1-3-and-other-misc-assets-0-3Enjoy the Lazy Devil Set, Travelers!
[Lazy Devil Set]
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/4098/lf-more-runa-1-3-and-other-misc-assets-0-3Enjoy the Lazy Devil Set, Travelers!
@KatRippah139 Thank you! Updated the OP.
Didn't wanna make a new thread to seek for this but anyone found the bunny set yet?
(sneaky bump of this it's getting sunk far) -
Didn't wanna make a new thread to seek for this but anyone found the bunny set yet?
(sneaky bump of this it's getting sunk far)@DeutchOneechan None that I can see so far.
Ponytail link is down-
@toshiba I found two other links from @Lotus_Heaven and @link2432, but both use mediafire and for some reason it's going through a repair link process. I have no idea how to verify if the downloads are active.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/piwo8d1twdffgn9/Runa_Ponytail_by_flexuh_0.0.1.rar/file -
@toshiba @Yuri-Fanatic In the meantime, use mine. Up for 5 days.
If the 3 links are down permanently, let me know. I'll upload another on workupload.
@Yuri-Fanatic Just bought the Cyber Sword
@Yuri-Fanatic Just bought the Cyber Sword
@Say-Your-Prayers Thank you! Updated the OP.
Torinyan here, tsk tsk look at you all being naughty. That aside, I came here to ask for some feedback regarding the Assets and Runa especially? Got some cool ideas for future assets?
Might seem a little weird that I come to a ripperstore to ask for suggestions, but my stores track how users find me and this store was among the data. While I of course don't condone this kind of theft, there's also no fighting it. Such is the nature of digital products
So maybe you farts can provide with some feedback at least, heh.