Sharing 100gbs of assets
Thanks for this megadump! I love you a lot for this, just letting you know
Jesus, Probably a lot
But can't really access it -
took the link down - i will sort and add more assets and then reupload it permanently in a couple days
Can't wait for it than! Take your time cutie ^^ it's already really cool the single fact that you shared all of this
awe I missed it, it's kind of you to share it tho
Thank u!
Shoot I missed it too
but I do look forward to a perma link. sorting is very time consuming so gl! x_x
Link will be up for a couple of hours
mix: sets with different avatars in them that I havent sorted yet
misc: accessories, avatars, gimmicks, shaders and more.
Enjoy ^^ -
Link will be up for a couple of hours
mix: sets with different avatars in them that I havent sorted yet
misc: accessories, avatars, gimmicks, shaders and more.
Enjoy ^^@purple-princess is the link gone gone now?