LF: Cope by zoxl
bump pls!
bump pls!!
@Millycent tempted to just get it myself
@Millycent tempted to just get it myself
@tinykissies its worth the buy. i mean. other than the gonso. ive got her finally but idk how you guys would upload her with gonso
@tinykissies its worth the buy. i mean. other than the gonso. ive got her finally but idk how you guys would upload her with gonso
@YOKODERE You can remove the gonso in the folder, but yeah I might buy it!
@YOKODERE You can remove the gonso in the folder, but yeah I might buy it!
@tinykissies the gonso made it where u cant get the fx layer or the menus. if you remove it you wont have the menus or fx layer and you'd have to do it by yourself