LF: Face Tracking - Nardoragon DLC
Face Tracking - Nardoragon DLC
Latest supported version: v2.1This package is for PC Versions only! This will not work with the Quest packages available from Blue. This will also not work directly with other edits, such as kitbashes or Neffertity's Aether Nardo. If you'd like to use these shapes on the other models, you are free to do so in Blender. Compatible Versions: 4 - FingerBasic, Ultimate (PC ONLY) 5 - FingerBasic, Ultimate (PC ONLY) Features Comes with Unified Expressions (UE) blendshape format. This works with all face tracking methods, including Quest Pro, Vive, iPhone, and Android. The blendshapes supported are...: Eyebrows Eyes Cheeks Jaw Lips Tongue Unity Package with a one-click in-editor patcher. This product will NOT work without the base model, found here. Credits VRCFaceTracking - Compatible software by benaclejames Adjerry91 - VRCFT Template BlueNardo - Original model creator ValueFactory - Unity Editor script creator ContactWebsite
Gumroad (hantnor.gumroad.com)