LF: Interbellum Rexouium Outfit
Interbellum Uniform for Rexouium
Disclaimer: The uploaded content does not reflect the worldview of the creator. In principle, any use of my content in connection with pornographic, anti-democratic, racist, and/or inhuman content or content directed against our liberal-democratic basic order is excluded and prohibited.This exact model is rigged for Rexouium Avatar base by RezilioRyker (Avatar not included). Currently, it does have 5 different versions texture-wise: 1. Italian (based on Duche's iconic looks)2. Soviet GRU from 1965 (Inspired by Metal Gear Solid 3's Revolver Ocelot, tho it is not a 1:1 recreation of it).3. German (Wehrmacht)4. Press (you get an armband with Press written on it)5. German (Black)It also has an officer cap in two versions, one made to fit the Wermacht and one made to fit the Black version of clothing.All the banned symbols are nonexistent on the content.Explanation: I didn't plan to put it on sale just yet, the problem is, I got cut off from my monthly income due to recent events in Ukraine and sanctions that were imposed on Russia. Currently, I have to pay bills and loans, without any income I destine myself to fail and never release anything in the future. Meanwhile, I ask you to excuse me for my eventual mistakes and poor performance you might encounter, I will do my best to fix and improve, including also expanding on what is included in the pack, as I have also some things that were not included in this pack simply because of their poor quality in current form (greatcoat for german one, that would be included as additional purchase once I am happy with it). And possibly additional textures.PS: I do have a beret for the Ocelot version, none the less I have to make sure it works properly before I will add it. Once it is done, you can count on it being included in the base purchase.Update 1.1:-Added 3 uniform variants, Gefreiter, Gauleiter and Summer. -Added three new hats, NKVD/KGB blue-red one, Ushanka with a red star, and Fedora for the press outfit.-Changes in weight painting, In the future I do also plan on changing the texture maps to reflect this fix.Warning: An update of the current project might break an earlier version of the outfit, make sure to use it for a new avatar that didn't use an earlier version of the meshes.Credits: Rigging, edits, modeling and texturing by MeClothing base by PixelUpdate 1.1:KGB hat by Viktorian WiosUshanka by Johnatan EdwardsFedora by Alexnoiseless
Gumroad (deusthefox.gumroad.com)