looking for kita'vali earphones
Kitavali Headphones
These are my Kitavali Headphones. Made from stratch!The model has 2 material slots, 12,968 Tris, 6,626 vertices and 6,700 faces. I tried to keep them fairly basic so they hopefully don't add too much onto your avatars overall performance. Whats included:Blend FileFBX FileSubstance Fileand Unity PackageThe textures within unity were made with Poyiomi 7.3.046 which is NOT included. The base black and red textures also have audio reactive emissions for worlds with UDON Audiolink.Do not claim this asset as your own or redistribute.You can use them on public avatars. As well as commissions as long as both parties own it.
Gumroad (archangel1839.gumroad.com)