Minahoshi and Mamehinata Clothing (2/6 Found) ✔
Hello, people!
I'm looking for some Mamehinata clothing, like this one:
https://booth.pm/ja/items/4468498and some Minahoshi Clothings, like these ones:
https://booth.pm/ja/items/4450529Thanks in advance!
uploading my megadump of hinata, commenting to remind myself to post it here
here's a bunch of hinata assets, hope you find something that interests you!
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rZ95BLozap7rISlKxIw92BnGEXyEFzvU?usp=share_link -
D Damnation moved this topic from General Assets on
https://anonfiles.com/Wdfbt5obz6/kemohinata_zip <---- Kemono Mamehinata (watch out it's super cute!)
https://anonfiles.com/Wdfbt5obz6/kemohinata_zip <---- Kemono Mamehinata (watch out it's super cute!)