Looking for this hair for Sio
The front piece is for Balgu Inside Hair, which is in this thread. You can easily fit it to Sio though
@nabibab would you happen to know the dimensions for Sio's head? I kept trying to fit like, Kikyo's hair for instance .. or Manuka's, thinking one of them would be easy, but it was so painful in Unity. Lol (thank you in advance!)
@c3rtifi3dgremlin think it's the wrong one :c
no it isn't?? the lighting is just different, that is the exact same shirt and short/sweater set.
no it isn't?? the lighting is just different, that is the exact same shirt and short/sweater set.
@c3rtifi3dgremlin you're right i'm so sorry! i read 62 not 52 i'm so dyslexic
thank you so much for finding it!
@nabibab would you happen to know the dimensions for Sio's head? I kept trying to fit like, Kikyo's hair for instance .. or Manuka's, thinking one of them would be easy, but it was so painful in Unity. Lol (thank you in advance!)
@potatothekitty ? I just tried it and you just have to move manuka's version around to sio's head properly here's the settings XYZ
no it isn't?? the lighting is just different, that is the exact same shirt and short/sweater set.
@c0tt0nc4ndy thats the clothing not the hair