Looking for Liquid pen tool (slim/water/semen) [blender]
Liquid Pen Tool [Blender]
Here is a simple Liquid Pen for Blender for all your... Interesting renders!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Leave a rating on this product! Helps my product get recommended more!Simple to install and comes with an instructional video!Easily draw it onto anything!Choose between 3 provided materials!• Instructional Video• Geo Node Setup• Slime Material• Saliva/Water/Cream Material• Please watch the provided informational video when bought!• HUGE Inspiration came from https://youtu.be/XMubuvMc7eA?si=R2HFTYQWsSeVVcNx• Allowed to use in art• Allowed to use in commissioned art• Can NOT distribute the files of commissioned art if containing the Geo nodes.• Make sure to convert the curves to a mesh and remove the Geo node before sharing .blends• No Commercial license.• By purchasing this, you agree to NOT to share the files with anyone that has NOT bought the assetPointless Creations 🌹Making quality assets for a cheaper price!Want to leave a tip? You can here on my Gumroad Tip Jar! ❤️ Click me!Main Discord: pointless.blendAsset Support/Questions Discord: pointless.supportVRC Group: PNTLS.4137I do take suggestions!Have a wonderful day! :3
Gumroad (pointlesscreations.gumroad.com)