LF: Assets/Models in these photos.
I've been looking around but I was wondering if anyone knows the assets/model in these photos?
I'll start by sharing some I know next to each photoI'm guessing the model is either kikyo or manuka?
- I shared the jacket here
- Pants come from this set which has never been shared Link
- Found the hat! hasn't been shared though link
- Pants are also the same as top picture just with a custom texture
Found the booth link to the Hoodie
Looking for jacket mostly
Found by Floralias I Jacket link hasn't been found as a DL
Looking for jacket
Here's the eye texture! DL
Booth link
Also wondering what model this is? I feel like it's probably manuka?
bump, also the jacket DL doesnt seem to be working anymore
bump, also the jacket DL doesnt seem to be working anymore
@voluntaryexile It must of gotten removed, not by my choice though but I'll make a reupload real fast.
Link is updated!
thank you so much!
+1 and added a link to a few assets I identified! The hoodie I found hasn't been shared yet though so just the booth link. and the last picture I shared the eye texture.
Here is source for the jacket from image 6 https://chloma.booth.pm/items/3148382
Here is source for the jacket from image 6 https://chloma.booth.pm/items/3148382
@Floralias Thank you!