ARCHIVE DOWN ATM PLEASE WAIT FOR A RE-UP Mochiyama Avatar/ Mamehinata+Mamefriends Archive 1 and soon to be 2
wrote on 5 May 2024, 05:18 last edited by A Former User 2 Aug 2025, 07:01
Archive is currently down please click here for why.
UPDATE! WORKING ON A 2ND ARCHIVE! any contributions would mean a lot! if you feel like sharing anything to help build the 2nd archive share here or DM me!
If there is any assets that include Mamehinata that aren't in here that you can provide I would be most grateful!
wrote on 5 May 2024, 19:27 last edited by
Thank you
wrote on 5 May 2024, 19:33 last edited by
Could you add this one in the future if ya can ?. -
wrote on 6 May 2024, 10:56 last edited by
wrote on 6 May 2024, 14:25 last edited by
A google drive would be perfect cus this limits most users unless they have premium there. but very greatfull for the files
A google drive would be perfect cus this limits most users unless they have premium there. but very greatfull for the files
wrote on 6 May 2024, 21:24 last edited by@JoshBerserk I'll see if I have time to set that up, I just prefer mega more it looks more organized and upload speed is faster then drive for me. plus it has a bigger amount of storage space.
wrote on 7 May 2024, 14:14 last edited by
【VRC向け】Denim×Knit【7アバター対応】 - くれこのさんD - BOOTH
当商品を購入した時点・ギフトの場合DLをされた時点で当規約に同意したとみなします。 DL商品の為返品は対応できません。当ページの文章及び規約をよくお読みの上お求めください。
【VRC向け】Denim×Knit【7アバター対応】 - くれこのさんD - BOOTH
当商品を購入した時点・ギフトの場合DLをされた時点で当規約に同意したとみなします。 DL商品の為返品は対応できません。当ページの文章及び規約をよくお読みの上お求めください。
wrote on 8 May 2024, 05:10 last edited by@RollThatRick Thank you!!
Gruntwrote on 8 May 2024, 16:57 last edited by RollThatRick 5 Aug 2024, 16:57
I don't think I saw this fullset there? Here just in case
Quack Quack Hike [ぎゃ遠足です] (6 compatible models) - Cyber Critter - BOOTH
Update History 2/28 Fixed Maya's pants not binding correctly. All skirts now have collission. 3/7 Fixed skirts collission sometimes causing the skirts to fly. 中文 ◆适配模型 桔梗ちゃん ( 舞夜ちゃん ( セレスティア -
I'm still going through a couple of my things so this might take a while lol
I'm still going through a couple of my things so this might take a while lol
wrote on 8 May 2024, 19:13 last edited by@RollThatRick Thank you for the help!! I really appreciate it.
きのこ たけのこヘア - はまのしす -hamanosis- - BOOTH
きのこヘアにツインテールを付けたり、メカクレを合わせたり ベリーショートにしたり、いろんな組み合わせが楽しめます! ⚠️キプフェル専用には、キプフェル以外のテクスチャは含まれません ⚠️まめひなた専用には、まめひなた以外のテクスチャは含まれません ⚠️シピルカ専用には、シピルカ以外のテクスチャは含まれません 専用prefabですので、対応アバターには調整なくご使用いただけます。 ----------------------- ■ 対応アバター ・キプフェル Kipfel − ・シピルカ −
wrote on 10 May 2024, 12:33 last edited by JoshBerserk 5 Oct 2024, 12:35
Skater T-shirt
【まめひなた専用】Skater T-shirt - Limeade Stand - BOOTH
本製品はまめひなたちゃん専用ストリート系のTシャツとスケボーのセットコーデです。 本製品のunitypackage内に3種の色違いのテクスチャが同梱されておりますので、お好きな色をお使い下さい。 また、テクスチャpsdファイルも同梱しておりますので、改変することができます。 素体側の貫通が気になる場合には、各シェイプキーでご対応をお願いいたします。 スケボーは別のPrefabになっているものがありますので、肩掛け以外でご使用の際はこちらをお使いください。 シェーダーはliltoonを使用しておりますので、本製品をimportする前に、liltoonをimportして下さい。
wrote on 10 May 2024, 12:58 last edited by JoshBerserk 5 Oct 2024, 12:59
《12アバター対応衣装》PrettyDreamAngelic - 白猫通りのナギ亭 - BOOTH
3D衣装モデル「PrettyDreamAngelic」 2023/2/2 対応アバターにめいゆんちゃん追加!✨ 2023/2/22 対応アバターにミュリネちゃん追加! かっこいい&かわいいを両方兼ね備えたコーデです!✨ 大きい靴や下の方が少し透けてるスカートがポイント! ディティールにも拘りました♪ ヘッドフリル、トップス、アームカバー、スカート、ベルト、ソックス、アンクレット、シューズでオブジェクトが分かれており パーツ単体で使ったり他のお洋服と組み合わせたりしても可愛いです! カラーバリエーション5種類ご用意しています!
This one has Mame in it -
wrote on 16 May 2024, 04:50 last edited by
Is there anyway to also include a google drive link or other alternative? I cant download it all without waiting hours and hours since I don't have premium.
Is there anyway to also include a google drive link or other alternative? I cant download it all without waiting hours and hours since I don't have premium.
wrote on 17 May 2024, 18:33 last edited by@Mimori I'll try to see if I can get that setup just haven't been having the time to work on it but I will let you know.
@Mimori I'll try to see if I can get that setup just haven't been having the time to work on it but I will let you know.
wrote on 18 May 2024, 08:56 last edited by@Matsuda okay thank you!
Ik you found it but you should include this in the archive since Mame is included in it
Here's another hair set that has Mame in it