【複数アバター対応】StringDoll【VRChat想定】ver 1.01[SIO/FULLSET]
【複数アバター対応】StringDoll【VRChat想定】 - Ornament Corpse - BOOTH
対応アバター 10アバター対応 ・瑞希、ルルネ(IKUSIA様) https://booth.pm/ja/items/5132797 https://booth.pm/ja/items/5957830 ・桔梗 (ポンデロニウム研究所様) https://booth.pm/ja/items/3681787 ・萌 (キュビクローゼット様) https://booth.pm/ja/items/4667400 ・セレスティア (JINGO CHANNEL様) https://booth.pm/ja/items/4035411 ・マヌカ (JINGO CHANNEL様)
Its been found in this thread: https://forum.ripper.store/post/212037 (Fullpack)
credit and thanks to @liliththatcat !
Its been found in this thread: https://forum.ripper.store/post/212037 (Fullpack)
credit and thanks to @liliththatcat !
@Kur0m1S4N Sio might not be in the full pack tho, you'd need to scroll and check if someone has it or bump for sio