LF : Valor by PastelPlushies
sorry i forgot to add link to the gumroad.. https://pastelplushiesvr.gumroad.com/l/valor
oh my god bump please
Actually your girl's got yall https://workupload.com/file/7SUep3QZLny
You'll also need this: https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/
And this: https://docs.hai-vr.dev/docs/products/prefabulous-avatar
Grab a poiyomi 8.1 shader from on hereHere's the instructions too, copied directly from the instruction provided on the download link
"Download Unity 2022.3.6f1
Download VRC Creator Companion (aka VCC) from link above on VRC website
Launch VCC and create new avatar project
The VRCSDK is built into VCC so no file import is necessary for this!
Import Poiyomi Shader
Import VRCFury (can also be added to project using repository/project add-ons)
Import Modular Avatar Tool (add with repository is recommended, see step below)
Import Hai's Prefabulous Tool (add with repository, it will also automatically add modular avatar and other required files)
This step is ONLY required if you use the file labeled "Needs Hai's Prefabulous"
Import model package
Open model scene named !!VALOR
Open VRCSDK Menu and build and publish!" -
Re up ?