(FOUND BY texyvale): Lyria by flexuh
My bank is sad, but I am happy. Enjoy!
@texyvale thank you for your service
Lyria 0.0.5 update involving a poiyomi update, details are included in the document.
Lyria 0.0.5 update involving a poiyomi update, details are included in the document.
@texyvale Thank you very much for being such a thoughtful person, I was just going to write and mention if today's updated version was mentioned. the world is always waiting for more Heroes like you
Lyria 0.0.5 update involving a poiyomi update, details are included in the document.
Lyria 0.0.7 update: https://workupload.com/archive/Y3SJ5TWzy4
Included a PDF explaining the 0.0.6 & 0.0.7 update. Aswell as the upload guide to avoid scrolling to find it in this topic.
Lyria 0.0.8 update: https://workupload.com/archive/8MEEFEEZm2
Lyria 0.0.9 update: https://workupload.com/archive/ZqqpsFVg9d
Lyria 1.0.1 Update: https://workupload.com/archive/4vncmRkyZh
1.0.0 update had a few bugs so 1.0.1 was released shortly after. All explained in the updates PDF.
The long awaited Lyria 2.0.0 update: https://workupload.com/archive/xrgyPN4eVJ
As usual, included a PDF explaining this updates purpose.
The long awaited Lyria 2.0.0 update: https://workupload.com/archive/xrgyPN4eVJ
As usual, included a PDF explaining this updates purpose.
bump update 2.0.3
My apologies for the delay, Here is the Lyria 2.0.7 update.
PDF includes what updates were made over 2.0.0 to 2.0.7.
As for the license key, I'm afraid I don't have any way around it currently. -
bump for more info on this Dor bullshit
EDIT: I found a way to bypass it.
Import the very first version of the avatar, set it up in the scene using Dor and save the scene
Then import every update but making sure that the scripts and .dll files from the Dor folders aren't being imported.
Do this until you import the last version and then update the avatar normally.If it doesn't work for you, sorry but I won't be posting more tutorials or answering DMs, git gud
Dor's licenser only really is required if you want to set-up the avatar using the automated presets;
there is a prefab generated by VRCFury inside the files that you can very easily re-convert for normal usage (it's supposed to be a "test copy", but has all features working regardless.)