LF: [Firina compatible outfits/fullsets] + My three archives [THRID ARCHIVE JUST ADDED] (12/26 found on LF list)
+1 and Added new labo avatar Saria! you can find her in ARCHIVE 1!
Hey I cant seem to find no. 14 fancy violence in the archive, it says its in archive 1? If you happen to have it does it fit komado? Thanks for any help!
@AviCreat Fancy violence is not in the archive. I don't think a I put a title next to it saying so. it's still in looking for. very sorry for the inconvenience.
Todo-chan wear fullset [booth id 4642545]
snowlight Adventurer outfit fullset [booth id 5399010]
have been added to archive 3 -
added Idol type C version 1.00, a temporary link has been made and in a later time it will be moved to archive 3. -
Todo-chan wear fullset [booth id 4642545]
snowlight Adventurer outfit fullset [booth id 5399010]
have been added to archive 3 -
@omegae ?
Archive 1,2, and 3 is down
Archive 1,2, and 3 is down
@polphintrus Currently working on it. Got a huge smack in the face with link take downs haha. I should have everything up real soon.
All three are up
Thank you