LF: Basic Dynamics by Rafa v1.2+
Please help me find a higher version than 1.2 of Basic Dynamics by Rafa.
Basic Dynamics for VRChat Avatars!
About Basic Dynamics This is a fast and easy Installer script that I've made to make your avatars even more complete!With a few clicks you can have a Kiss, Boop, Headpat, Highfive and Slap prefabs installed on your avatar!Tutorial, explanations and a short showcase at end.Video by Kali, thank you so much!To install the prefabs is quite simple, import the Basic Dynamics package in your Unity Project, on the Unity's Topbar you will se a button called "Rafa", put your mouse over it and open the "Dynamics Installer", now is even more simple! Check the things that you want on your avatar and boom! It is installed!REMEMBER: After installing it, go to your avatar and check the objects inside the BD System, MAYBE you will have to manually adjust some positions and sizes (particle systems and contact receivers)!Dev Note: This is just a installer for some basic fun prefabs that I've made, you can personalize as you wish, and also I highly recommend to put your own blendshapes on the Headpat animation!Dev Note²: The interactions is network-synced! Thanks @Cam!PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR DISCORD TAG ON THE PURCHASE! ESPECIALLY IF IS A COMMERCIAL LICENSE!*If you're buying for multiple people, provide every discord tag separeted by space, comma or any other type of separator.RulesDo NOT redistribute or resell.Do NOT claims as your own.Do NOT attempt to change or modify the script, this can break the code.I DO NOT DO REFUNDS!Credit is required, preferably with a hyperlink, this helps a lot. (E.g.: "Basic Dynamics by Rafa#0069")UNCHECK THE SCRIPT FILES WHEN EXPORTING YOUR PACKAGE! (just the .cs/script files), but animations, sounds, textures and materials have to be in your package in order to dynamics work correctly! CreditsKali - Many ideas to make everything user-friendly!Sirius11 - Beta testing!Akami - Because I love you! ❤Cam - Synced Parameters Tutorial
Gumroad (rafacasari.gumroad.com)