I got $60 and willing to buy one avatar to share
VRchat avatar Latex Yaoki 2.0
Hello, here is YaokiSub. This product is for the VRchat only. You can try this avatar and ready the full introduction from my avatar world. Here is the world link: https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_1e9f556d-088f-4723-96d7-3103fd173f25This product is already package in a Unity project. Please use Unity 2019 to open it. You can choose to use VCC to open it, but please choose Add Exiting Project. Please do not update SDK or other plugin in the project. Otherwise, I am not sure the project could work again. Please check the blue print ID of the model, and choose de-attach to clear the old blue-print ID.If there is other question about avatar uploading, please contact me by my discord: yaoki1883Or join the channel: https://discord.gg/mkx2V8vZBVHere is some introduciton about this avatar. You can ready full introduction in discord or VRchat world.I am sorry that I use google translation for it and there maybe some mistake. If there is anything not clear, please contact me.The second version of my own body model! Of course, I am still grateful for the support of latex jewelry provided by UCM. This model also maximizes the functions of Sese and tries out many new props. Made based on Selestia, most of the materials come from booth.Note: The model material load is heavy and the configuration is not good. Please pay attention.basic function:1. Options for a series of physical features such as hair color, skin color, bust size, etc.2.6+ covers a variety of daily and rustic clothing, and clothes in different parts can be changed at will.3.[hide in Gumroad]4. [hide in Gumroad]5. [hide in Gumroad]6. The halo on the head can be taken off directly, and you can quickly change the outfit by touching the small square on it.Included in the project files are the latex garments made by UCM for SelestiaPart ENG suppurt menu
Gumroad (yaokisub.gumroad.com)
夜天のエリヌス - レメゲトン - BOOTH
「夜天のエリヌス」はVRChatでの利用を想定したオリジナル3Dモデルです。 本モデルを購入された時点で下記内容、利用規約に同意したものといたします。必ず購入前にご確認ください。 またダウンロード商品という性質上、返品、返金は対応致しかねますのでご注意ください。 また下記リンクのワールドにて試着できます。 購入をご検討の際はご活用いただければ幸いです。 https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_43c2d09f-c5e3-4f8d-b9dd-bf978cefb3e3
VRchat avatar Latex Yaoki 2.0
Hello, here is YaokiSub. This product is for the VRchat only. You can try this avatar and ready the full introduction from my avatar world. Here is the world link: https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_1e9f556d-088f-4723-96d7-3103fd173f25This product is already package in a Unity project. Please use Unity 2019 to open it. You can choose to use VCC to open it, but please choose Add Exiting Project. Please do not update SDK or other plugin in the project. Otherwise, I am not sure the project could work again. Please check the blue print ID of the model, and choose de-attach to clear the old blue-print ID.If there is other question about avatar uploading, please contact me by my discord: yaoki1883Or join the channel: https://discord.gg/mkx2V8vZBVHere is some introduciton about this avatar. You can ready full introduction in discord or VRchat world.I am sorry that I use google translation for it and there maybe some mistake. If there is anything not clear, please contact me.The second version of my own body model! Of course, I am still grateful for the support of latex jewelry provided by UCM. This model also maximizes the functions of Sese and tries out many new props. Made based on Selestia, most of the materials come from booth.Note: The model material load is heavy and the configuration is not good. Please pay attention.basic function:1. Options for a series of physical features such as hair color, skin color, bust size, etc.2.6+ covers a variety of daily and rustic clothing, and clothes in different parts can be changed at will.3.[hide in Gumroad]4. [hide in Gumroad]5. [hide in Gumroad]6. The halo on the head can be taken off directly, and you can quickly change the outfit by touching the small square on it.Included in the project files are the latex garments made by UCM for SelestiaPart ENG suppurt menu
Gumroad (yaokisub.gumroad.com)
まべ式チェシャー【期間限定頒布】 - HINASAKI - BOOTH
次回の再販日は未定です。 アズールレーンおよび、WORLD OF WARSHIPSよりチェシャー(Cheshire)の二次創作モデルです。 本ショップの新しい汎用素体「A2XL(Apollo gen.2 eXtra Large architecture)」を使用しています。 ⚠️必ず下記の説明と利用規約をご確認ください。 本モデルはUnity Humanoid準拠のVRChat向けのアバターです。 本モデルは二次創作の非公式モデルであり、造形に関して個人の見解を含みます。 本モデルは「アズールレーン」二次創作に関するガイドライン (
BOOTH - 創作物の総合マーケット
Winter - 冬 ( PC )
♔ • Winter - 冬 • ♔If you want to buy a female matching model-> Bambi - 斑比 By MiffyA V A T A R • F E A T U R E S3D Model for VRChat4K Custom TexturesFull Body TrackingPhysbonesPhysbones InteractionsMiscellaneousGoGo LocoCustom Face GesturesScratch Assets This avatar was created using Blender, Photoshop, Substance Painter & Marvelous Designer.A V A T A R • T O G G L E S ( 100+ toggles )FOLDING BLADES : THE FOLDING BLADES ARE NON-COMMERCIAL, MEANING IT WILL BE READY ON THE AVATAR BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY THE UNITYPACKAGE SEPERATE FROM THE CREATOR AND IMPORT IT TOGETHER WITH THE AVATAR. -> Folding blades13x Clothing TogglesHead- Police hatTops- Top main- Top sleeves- Top sleeves fut- Skin shirtBottoms- Pants main- Pants sleeves- Pants sleeves fur- Cloak- Cloak fullShoes- Boots5x Hair togglesHairs- Hair bangs- Hair slick- Hair spike- Hair long • Hair braid16x Accessories togglesFace acc- Mask • Mask down- Mouth chain- Earrings- Ear piercing- Ear piercing elf- Ribbon hatTop acc- Choker- Ribbon lights- Ribbon backArms acc- Gloves- Rings- Ribbon armsBottom acc- Leg lights- Ribbon hip- Ribbon legs9x Texture Swaps / radials + HS. Hair colors- Hair red- HS Hair red- Hair whiteHead colors- HS EyesClothes colors- HS clothes- Clothes white- Fur blackExtra colors- HS starSkin colors- HS Skin colors 60+ Extra Toggles + GoGo Loco- Sniper (8+ interactions)- GoGo Loco menu (20+ toggles)- Folding blade menu (20+ toggles and interactions)- Pet menu (6+ toggles and interactions)U P L O A D • I N S T R U C T I O N SCreate a new Unity project.Import newest SDK 3.0.Import Poyiomi shaders.Import Winter - 冬.Open Winter - 冬 V1 scene and detach the blueprint, if available.Import the Folding Blades Unity package from Liindy, if you don't have it. You can purchase it here.-> Folding BladesUpload to your PERSONAL account.A D D I T I O N A L • I N F OIf having trouble purchasing through Gumroad, feel free to contact me on Discord - pumovr! or join the Discord server - P&M's Gambit - https://discord.gg/pumo!This avatar is NOT optimized.Instructions on uploading the avatar are within the Read Me files.NO REFUNDS!Showcase Credit - miffyvrRecorder Credit - depereoDancer Credit - holymoly & mini subuwuA S S E T • C R E D I T SChoker - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Cloak - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Belt - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Earrings - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Gloves - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Hat - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Mask - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Pants - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Ribbon - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Skin shirt - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Top - pumovr ( NO REUSE ! )Follower pet - MSageChristmas lights - WatermelonJusticeFolding blades - Liindy-> ( THIS IS NON COMMERCIAL ! READ HIS TOS )Sniper - LiindyElf piercing - RenipuffBuzzcut hair - ZinpiaZenos hair - DelorZenin hair - DelorZenos hair - DelorSweetheart hair - NessyRegen hair - Jin AtonicSnowflake chain - HuntyXmas rings - RyujiHead - Sivka - ( Edit by pumovr - NO REUSE ! )Head custom texture - pumovr - NO REUSE !Base - Pasta - ( Edit by pumovr - NO REUSE ! )- If I have forgotten anyone, please, contact me through Discord!T E R M S • O F • S E R V I C EDo not re-sell or claim as your own.Do not upload this model as public, private only!Do not upload this model for other people, only to your own account.Do not use any assets or textures of this model without creator permission.Do not make any huge Blender edits without creator permission.- By purchasing this item you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service.Failure to adhere to terms of service will result in fines and legal action. You will be asked to cease and remove anything related to the product.The copyright in a work initially belongs to the author(s) who created that work. Copyright exists automatically in an original work of authorship once it is fixed in a tangible medium.This 3D asset is protected by Copyright Law, illegal distribution and failure to abide by the given Terms of Service of the said asset can be subjected to fines between $200 to $150,000, infringer pays actual dollar amount of damages and profits made by said stolen asset, the infringer will pay all attorney fees and court costs, illegal iterations of the stolen work can be impounded and possible jail time.If you need more information on copyright please visit, https://www.copyright.gov/title17/ for more information.♜ For more information, contact Pumo#1910 on Discord or join the Discord server - Pumo's Gambit - https://discord.gg/pumo!https://jinxxy.com/PumoVRC?jc=cfadfde65a52f1d4954ba173db367547d67ece7facc9d8cc1439
Gumroad (pumo.gumroad.com)
Alright, after reviewing. I'm picking between these right now. I'll come back when I made my decision and post a download link
Vladdy IssuesI was a little mixed on the Latex Succubus Avatar World Avatars. They were too kinky looking for me even though I love the bases.
Alright... Winner(s) were
@honeyboo with 397
Download Link
I really like the unique look of this avatar.and since I had enough to spare. I got
@Normalman @darkblackcow @K4 with Gizmo
Download Link
I see this as a nice base so I snagged it to check out features I can edit -
how can they be more kinky than the 2 gumroad models in youre list .
Thanks for the sharing btw xD no big deal just funny .
Alright... Winner(s) were
@honeyboo with 397
Download Link
I really like the unique look of this avatar.and since I had enough to spare. I got
@Normalman @darkblackcow @K4 with Gizmo
Download Link
I see this as a nice base so I snagged it to check out features I can edit@Hitoro Thank youuuu~