Looking for big particle effects
Hi everyone!
I hope I am not asking for too much? But I am looking for many kinds of special effects.
Firstly I am looking for particle/special effects that span a wide area, like cherry blossoms for example or cool disco lights.
Secondly I am looking for special effect/particles that are like beams or explosions. Specifically these, but other comparable items are also much appreciated!
【Unity/VRChat パーティクル】Time Reaper - Chrono Burst - TheVoid - BOOTH
Join the Community: https://discord.gg/qQXdVSRVbE
【Unity/VRChat】Laser Beam Attack by Raivo - raivovfx - BOOTH
This is a Laser Beam Attack you can put on your Avatars. You simply drag and drop the prefab on your Avatar, drag the Anchor outside the prefab so it is on the same level as the Body, Armature and Prefab and leave it always active. Then you can simply toggle the Prefab itself with a Gesture or Emote
【Unity/VRChat】Demonic Punishment(Effects+WorldSpace) - Mayuca - BOOTH
VRChatに最適 含まれるもの: 粒子+音 プレハブ パーティクルテクスチャ 粒子材料 パーティクルシェーダー すべてのメッシュ+アニメーション Unityシーン+アバターのセットアップ ___________ Perfect for VRChat Included: Particles + sound Prefab Particle texture Particle material Particle shader All Meshes + Animations World Space Unity scene + Avatar Setup 利用規約 必ずお読みになってください。 ※
Skaley Fire Slam/Explosion - skaleyseto - BOOTH
This effect was something ive been planning on making for a while ever since watching Avatar The Last Air-bender. This was created using Mochi Particle Shader found here: https://github.com/MochiesCode/Mochies-Unity-Shaders/releases My terms of service apply to this particle effect which can be
Thanks in advance!