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Jacket & Baggy Pants | Regulus & Mayu
In this product you will get a pair of Baggy pants and a double layered Jacket with a satchel on top!The Jacket has a nice light in feel and light in color under shirt with a thicker white short sleeve hoodie. You also get a cute blue bear satchel to store all your precious belongings. Along with the jacket you get a Baggy pair of Pants. The pants although simple are very thick and comfy to wear for when you wanna cuddle or snuggle up with that bread plush I have (looking at you Goose. jk)This product contains:FBX model of the clothes (plus armature)A texture for each modelPrefab containing PhysbonesA material for each modelSPP file for Texturing (base texture not included)This model again does contain physbones for the strings on the modelCredit: SunnyToaster, my dearest friend, gave me this idea!
Gumroad (studout.gumroad.com)