LF: VRC Portable Studio
Looking for newest version!
VRC Portable Studio
An asset I've been working on for quite a while. Perfect for more studio-esque photos on the spot or for spicing up some environmental shots!A portable photo studio applicable to an avatar with the ability to lock them in place. With the new system in place by default there are 3 lights and a control panel to control them via physbones. Adjustments-Overall color temperatureIndividual Hue for each light sourceIndividual Power/Exposure for each light sourceIndividual spot light angle/spreadBackdrop ColorSpotlight aim via finger guns on your right handThe constraint system uses gestures to move each object:-Rock on will grab a light source when in contact and open palm will drop it. -Point finger right will adjust the position of the backdrop-Point finger left will adjust the marker/stand-in buddy-Double Fist will move the control panel-Right hand finger gun will aim the spotlights to a focus pointIt's recommended to download and install poiyomi toon shader prior to installing the package.Packages only contain the lighting assets themselves, no avatars visible in the example photos are included.Update v3.5Reworked Menu IconsA new simpler installation process via VRC fury with an updated installation guideQOL adjustments such as double rock on to move the board, lighting adjustments that stay when the board is disabled, and manual toggles for the spot focus/resetting the lighting adjustments.Toggleable raycasting for the standin/backdropBuilt with poiyomi 8.1 hiding everything but the backdrop and standin in the VRC cameraA new optional drag-on for the kit that uses a screen space shader to control the world brightness and the tonemapping. (Attaches automatically to the spike/stand-in.) Labeled "Cam Adjustments"Licensing:Do not upload this package on public avi's pleaseDo not share these files with one another (even if modified) unless both parties have purchased them.For commissions, both artist and commissioner must own the asset.It is prohibited to redistribute or resell these packages in any way*This item is non-refundable and sold AS-IS
Gumroad (photoboio.gumroad.com)
One found on vrmodels is missing assets. Or if you can get his one to work lmk!!
https://vrmodels.store/other/prefab/30638-vrc-portable-studio.html -
bump for help/asset!! <33