LF: Zy0n7's Vrchat Supported Avatars (28/31)
https://zy0n7.gumroad.com/l/sBccI?layout=profile does anyone own Nia in the complete package
Anyone got his Gardevoir?
Added a Meowscarada Community Edit by @ShadowFoxMKS.
P Potato Pirate referenced this topic on
anyone got stocking? https://zy0n7.gumroad.com/l/stocking?layout=profileord.com
Anyone know how to fix Kanna’s missing scripts?
Anyone know how to fix Kanna’s missing scripts?
@BallSweat Convert Dynamic Bones to PhysBones
@Mastema it’s saying that there aren’t any dynamic bones
First add Dynamic bones package, the convert using VRChat SDK
the kanna one is just broken or some shit, the validations are not there and it breaks after closing and reopining it
(I put dynamic bones in) -
Its not broken, just old. Nobody has shared PB version.
does anyone have the model files for risky, shantae and rottytops id like to make them vrc compatible
@StardustNova here's the fbx and blend file for shantae (don't have the pmx version)
https://workupload.com/file/AFCZkFmxyD3and just the fbx version for Risky
https://workupload.com/file/xfC3FNd8zG2if you convert them make sure to share them here afterwards
Yes please do I really want a vrchat Shantae avi
There is 2 public rottytops avatars I found
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P Potato Pirate referenced this topic on