Novabeast Addons
Do you have the substance painter files for the warmers? -
Do you have the substance painter files for the warmers?@NotHereForMuch I have work so im going to have to upload them later!
all my novabeast stuff i own -
all my novabeast stuff i own -
P PearlBlueGoddess referenced this topic on
all my novabeast stuff i own
Do you have the substance painter / texture files for:
swimsuit -
N NotHereForMuch referenced this topic on
- bump
Tied Back Hair for the Novabeast
All that fluff keep getting in the way? Just tie it back with this hair!Instalation:Make sure VRCFury is installed then just drag and drop the prefab onto your avatar!TOS:Not to be resold anywhere or given away for free.
Gumroad (
Nova Locs (Novabeast) COMMERICAL LICENSE
If you enjoy this asset, please rate it! It would mean so much to me! As It'll get me more discovered and I can receive feedback!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Details:6,944 Tris.46 BonesMade for Novabeast by KittomaticHas blendshape to make the locs thicker.Contains Quest friendly FBX (16 bones)T.O.SWhat you're allow to do...Personal and commercial use allowed. If used commercially, you must credit me as the creator of the asset.You can do commissions with this product, as long as both parties own the asset.You can modify the asset to fit for you.You're NOT allowed to do...Redistribute or share the asset, no matter if modified or not.Claim the asset as your own.Use this on free/nitro models, this can only be used on your paid models.If you have any questions about the asset or it's T.O.S, you can contact me through twitter, discord (Ahshotti) or telegram
Gumroad (
would love for this to be added to the lf!
Tied Back Hair for the Novabeast
All that fluff keep getting in the way? Just tie it back with this hair!Instalation:Make sure VRCFury is installed then just drag and drop the prefab onto your avatar!TOS:Not to be resold anywhere or given away for free.
Gumroad (
Nova Locs (Novabeast) COMMERICAL LICENSE
If you enjoy this asset, please rate it! It would mean so much to me! As It'll get me more discovered and I can receive feedback!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Details:6,944 Tris.46 BonesMade for Novabeast by KittomaticHas blendshape to make the locs thicker.Contains Quest friendly FBX (16 bones)T.O.SWhat you're allow to do...Personal and commercial use allowed. If used commercially, you must credit me as the creator of the asset.You can do commissions with this product, as long as both parties own the asset.You can modify the asset to fit for you.You're NOT allowed to do...Redistribute or share the asset, no matter if modified or not.Claim the asset as your own.Use this on free/nitro models, this can only be used on your paid models.If you have any questions about the asset or it's T.O.S, you can contact me through twitter, discord (Ahshotti) or telegram
Gumroad (
would love for this to be added to the lf!
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Would really appreciate if someone can share this
Does anybody have this, if so, send a link
Winter Techwear
5 Stars would be appreciated!TEST CLOTHING INGAMEFREE ASSET GIVEAWAYS!!LOCO DISCORDPlease have a Degree of Unity Knowledge before you buy or get a friend to help you!Scroll down for a Tutorial on how to set up assets in Both Blender & Unity manually by PxINKY!Also make sure to check what Blendshapes are supported in the Cover Images before you buy, or let me know in the dms which ones you would like to have added. Discord @broketardThe SPP Files FBX is different from the Unity FBX that you Upload!!!If you want to add Normal Map Detail AO or Metall Maps, Please use the FBX from the Unityproject Instead.The Spp is set up in multiple layers not using a Normal Map and exported in Layers that then need to be merged using a Tool like below. you get after your Purchase4k Texture1 FBX / MeshSPP1 SkinWhat Base is this asset Compatible with?NovabeastStats:Recommended:enable "keep bone offsets"VRCFury is non-destructible, meaning stuff only changes whilst in play mode, once you come out, everything is unscathed. And you dont have to use it for toggles, just use the optimization tools:Blendshape optimizer (Takes all non-animated blendshapes and removes them on upload)Direct Tree Optimizer (Basically takes your ENTIRE FX and put everything on to one layer) INSANE optimization.Bounding box fix (most people have issues when meshes disappear when they look a certain directions, this fixes that)Write default fixes (only use this if you know what you need from this lol)Using this Asset ->You are allowed to make Public UploadsYou are allowed to make modifications/Textures/EditsYou are NOT allowed to Sell this Asset.You are NOT allowed to Edit & Re-Sell this Asset.You are NOT allowed to claim this Asset as your own!You are NOT allowed to Share this PackageYou are allowed to use this Asset in commissions IF both partys own the Asset!Unless I allow you to.Please report Clipping Issues or for Refunds join the Discord!You can also join this if you think youre Hot enough to model for me.SUPPORT DISCORDIf you need help -> @broketard "Loco" on DiscordI dont mind helping in Unity, just slide a DM!Twitter is @locofbx but I probably wont respond there.Applying the ASSET:UNITY METHODBLENDER METHODVRC PicsX - CaptainPuppyEdited by Loco.
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