looking for this tentacle avatar
where you getting this images?
@Orthrus thank you for sharing the image. We now have a lead. Do you happen to be in contact with the source of the person who uploaded the image? The Chiffon avatar they're using, are you able to provide the Chinese simplified letters of the avatar's name by any chance?
@Orthrus don't apologize! you've got no need! it's thanks to you this thread is one step closer to finding the avatar! ^-^ it'd be helpful if someone could take a picture of the avatar details if they happen to spot the person wearing the avatar. it will make it easier to log the tentacle avatar rip it
this avi is very elusive
@Bubbleuwu If we look at the camera we have a name , here the user i used vrcX to see the avatar details but its the komado avatar sample so my guess is that this tentacle thing is either a standalone avatar OR from a world