Full Cyant Model 01 Assets List:
Here's the updated files Tokyo Metro Police Cyant(1.1)
@Lo0nGravy @Kitsu0000 Thanks, I added both to the OP!
Here ya go everyone! the hoodie you all have been looking for~
#Hoodiepartywhen?@Vimmy Is there any sort of setup tutorial for the hoodie's animations?
@Vimmy Is there any sort of setup tutorial for the hoodie's animations?
@BettyNoire14 There was no turorial vid no sorry
Here's the updated files Tokyo Metro Police Cyant(1.1)
@Lo0nGravy can you dm me the decryption key for the texture that would be amazing, thanks
@Lo0nGravy can you dm me the decryption key for the texture that would be amazing, thanks
@Shiro-Det there isnt a decryption key it should just take you to the files
Added Cyant Hand and Spine Masks by Yargon to the OP!
@LocalBozo feral link dead bro(
Added Plushie Cyant Texture to the list.
Cyant Feral Attachment new link please
Added Angelic Automaton Texture by Yargon to the list.
Added a bunch of textures to the list.
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