✔️Found 1/3: Avis by D0main (PC/QUEST)
Hihii I’m looking for a few Avis by D0main, any help at all is appreciated and I’m more than willing to trade ^_^
Snow (PC/QUEST): Snow files, Found by me ^_^
^Payhip linkRhiley (PC/QUEST): Vrmodels link, (Quest only/ Might be broken)
^Payhip linkOpal (PC/QUEST): Quest only rn
^Payhip Link -
@BallSweat I think its just quest by the looks of it in Unity
+1 for pc/quest files ^_^
+1 for Pc versions!
+1, Vrmodels doesn’t seem to have the pc versions. I’m looking for both pc and quest ^_^
+1 for pc versions of all of em