Looking for Quest Compatible Shaders Of ANY kind
The title basically I see a lot of good shaders on quest sometimes I would like to obtain them (Mainly for avatars but worlds work find too)
If I find some I will send here vvv
Smew Brush! Shaders - Smew Brush! Shaders - BOOTH
(PC (world/avatar) - Quest (world) compatible) 19 Smew Brush! Shaders Hypercolor ChromaticWave Rainbow Comet Charcoal Feather Fire Bloom CelVinyl Paper Pulse Plasma Streamers Splatter Sparks Taffy Toon Waveform Wind Contact booth messenger discord: smew_chan do not combine this shader pack with
Simple Water FX - Quest Shader (ウォーターシェーダー) - Milk Deluxe - BOOTH
A water shader for quest. Comes with several presets like Acid, Lava, Water. Technical Stuff: The shader is UNLIT, uses no Depth and no Screen Space effects which makes it very performant. Because it is transparent it fits well into every environment. It uses the normalmaps and a matcap (you can use
Quest Darkmode - literally - BOOTH
Quest Darkmode is a simple overlap shader that uses renderqueue to not effect specified objects. Features: - Quest Compatible - Udon Darkness slider prefab - Does not affect UI or specified materials - Can be used both in worlds and avatars Requirements for Udon world use: - Udonsharp
ShrubberyShader - 綿100%のお布団 - BOOTH
UnityのTerrain等で使用される草花の透過テクスチャを使用して、植え込みっぽいものをお手軽に作れるShaderです。 画像1枚目左がUnityの標準Sphereに適用した例、右がCubeにテッセレーション版を適用した例です。 当ShaderはQuest対応しておりません。 影を反映させるShaderを追加しました。画像2枚目を参照ください。 Terrain Detailの代替としても使えます。画像3枚目を参照ください。 UnityPackageにはShaderファイルのみ入っています。テクスチャは各自でご用意ください。 ○履歴
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