LF: Celeste & Cerbi & Ariya by Whiuu_Worl (3/3 FOUND, Cerbi found by BLACK0NYX, Celeste found by AkiAki and Ariya by Rea007)
bump for ariya :3
Looking for Ariya and Celeste still! +bump
le bump
Ariya has been posted to VRM:
https://vrmodels.store/avatars/35333-ariya-30.html -
Ariya has been posted to VRM:
https://vrmodels.store/avatars/35333-ariya-30.html -
Bump for celeste
Enjoy ~<33
[Celeste] - 3.0 Physbone Avatar PC
VIDEO HERED O N O T U P L O A D A S P U B L I CY O U W I L L N E E D ;VRC Creator Companion - 2022 * Poi Toon 7.3.50 and 8.1.161 (Provided) & Mochie's Free Shader * Requirement !!Please import the above before into unity before importing the model!! I will not provide support for any other versions than the above!!Celeste is Jam packed with features and toggles!T O G G L E S ;Clothing Menu;Heels, Stockings, Corset, Sailor Top, Bodysuit, Dress, Skirt, PantiesAccessories Menu;Eyepatch, Lace cuffs, Choker, Earrings, GlovesSpecies Menu;Head Wings, TailsH A I R T O G G L E S; Hair Accessories, Hair Swap from Twin tails to Updo, 3 different bangs and no bang option Hair colourways: 4 Hair Colourways from Pink to Dark Brown as well as a hair highlight radial for the hair ends colour to change! Colour Menus;Skin Hue, Tan Lines Toggle, All over RGB Colourway, Eye HueExtras; Latest Locomotion for desktop users! As well as VRLabs MarkerF U N T O G G L E S;Star Plush, Magical Wand! Likes System Toggle, Magic Bubbles and Kitty follower!C O N T A C T S ;Headpat me!When Celeste receives Head pats her eyes close and hearts appear!Boop me!When Celeste receives boops she sticks her tongue out, (If the likes menu is on the boops will be counted)C R E D I T S ; Body: Sugs#9795 [https://zinpia.sellfy.store/] ( Heavy edit, YOU MAY NOT RE USE) Head: bunisu#4924 [https://bunisuvr.com/] ( Heavy edit, YOU MAY NOT RE USE) Body Textures: YingYangVR#0001 & Miriloo#8133 [https://yingyangvr.gumroad.com/] , [https://honeylab.gumroad.com/] Eye Textures: Ryuohh#0001 [https://ryuohh.gumroad.com/] Hair/s: Saikura#0006 & sleepy#0707 & Cicieaaa#7777: [https://saikura.gumroad.com/] , [https://sleepysdiary.gumroad.com/] , [https://cicieaaavr.gumroad.com/] Nails: !Oshen#4444 [https://oshenvr.gumroad.com/] Choker and Earrings: .Kanna - rakastan sinua#9999 [https://kannabee.gumroad.com/] Tail: blankchii#0001 [https://blankchii.gumroad.com/] Hair Charms: Kaia_Kasumi#5394 [https://payhip.com/KaiaKasumi] Head Wings: moonlight peach#3252 [https://moonlightpeachh.gumroad.com/] Bodysuit: Miriloo#8133 [https://honeylab.gumroad.com/] Magic Bubbles: Sanria#0956 [https://sanria.gumroad.com/] Eyepatch/Sailor Top/ Dress: rinebean#1111 [https://rinebean.gumroad.com/] & [https://discord.gg/beansmarket] Likes system: Kiwa [https://kiwaso.gumroad.com/] Wand Particles: Xxuebi [https://xxuebi.gumroad.com/] Tail Particles: [https://laziness.gumroad.com/] Cat Follower: Beartrap#0321 [https://payhip.com/Beartrap] Headpat Particles: not Sache#0255 [https://notsache.gumroad.com/] Locomotion fix: https://wetcat.gumroad.com/ (WetCat#6969, Peep#5877,INYO#9404 & Gireison#0001) AV3 Creations tools: Rafa#0069 [https://rafacasari.gumroad.com/] Marker: Vrlabs [https://github.com/VRLabs/Marker] Fluffs Toolbox: fluff#5265 [https://fluffs.gumroad.com/] Hair Bows, Corset Top, Sailor Skirt, Stockings, Heels, Wand, Star Plush, Stars in Hair, Star Pasties, Lace Cuffs, Plug, Piercings, Rings, Panties, Glove Textures: Whituu#4928 (NO REUSE)L I C E N S E ;This model does not come with any commercial rights. (This means you cannot use any parts for sale purposes, you must purchase from the provided sources above)This includes both my base and head editAbsolutely NO REFUNDS. This is due to the nature of a digital license.FOR STREAMERS:If you plan to use for streaming, you MUST credit on your streaming platform the creators name with a hyperlink to the modelModel cannot be used as a base, If you wish to modify choose either the HAIR or the OUTFIT, Avatar should remain looking somewhat like the OG creationAvatar CANNOT be used for merchandising profit as I remain the copyright holder.This Model Is Copyright Protected.Please join the discord too for further model updates at; https://discord.gg/QezKwcc2FY
Gumroad (whituu.gumroad.com)
cerbi link dead
cerbi link dead
@BLACK0NYX preciated