LF: Manuka, Selestia, Moe, Kikyo, Lime (Ears)
Looking for these really cute ears! Thank you for anyone that shares, Muah -
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Just bought it! https://workupload.com/file/PZ6GTgf4PDC
@Nerdy_and_Curvy Ah thank you so much I really appreciate it!
@Nerdy_and_Curvy Ah thank you so much I really appreciate it!
N Nerdy referenced this topic on
@theyadoreyuki No problem. Enjoy!
@Nerdy_and_Curvy Was there an update for the ears? the "Upper Tilt Froward" breaks the ears. do you have newer version at all?
@Nerdy_and_Curvy Was there an update for the ears? the "Upper Tilt Froward" breaks the ears. do you have newer version at all?
@YouGetCrossedOut I'm not sure if it's been updated or not, but I downloaded it again just in case: https://workupload.com/file/XThunYnAwe9
@Nerdy_and_Curvy Same issue sadly
but ty for reuploading and trying
@Nerdy_and_Curvy Same issue sadly
but ty for reuploading and trying
G Good Ole Jimmy referenced this topic on