Looking for Nuvola
Is that a bad thing to do?? If so, I didn't know
@SylveonRibbons It's not really a bad thing
@SylveonRibbons Please bump every 8 hours or so!
May I ask why? I don't see anyone else only bumping every 8 hours.
@SylveonRibbons A lot of people would call this spam bumping. So bumping every 8 or so hours would be better for others. People find it annoying and will come at you for it, Like I got harassed for not following some made up guide line. "Every 24 hours" Don't want others post being pushed down and not be seen.
I'm not trying to come off mean or anything its just bumping your post every 2-4hours isn't going to help you get whatever it is you are looking for any faster.
That's fine. I thought the purpose of bumping was so your post doesn't get drowned out amongst the other posts,not to "get what you are looking for any faster".
Your post is going to get pushed down a good bit! Mind you there are a lot of other people on here wanting their post to be seen as well. Its just seeing the same post at the top getting bumped every hour is a bit annoying.I'm sure someone will share what you are looking for eventually! Just gotta be patient