@TradingGround Standing up for what exactly? You had a choice not to participate in this topic, or to continue replying, yet you persist.
Idia had a bad experience with him, ok and? You had a good experience with him, ok and? Did people have a reason to dislike him regardless of whether his was guilty? Sure, because he proceeded to create 2 accounts of which, one is named 'fxxkuguys', and deleted his comment.
Are you wrong? Pretty much. Did you expect the internet to bow down to your opinions, just because you had a good experience with him? To which, then proceeded to assume everyone had a hidden agenda, to gang up on you, because you stand for the "greater good" of this forum?
"All a newbie can ask for is a nice and agreeable on this forum", yet you go and assume @Mikey is associated to Idia and gang.
You could have said "I had a good experience with him, im sorry you didn't", it would have been better. Or better still, not even reply. You wouldn't have landed yourself in a position of "why am I still being downvoted".