LF: Slit Bikini Selestia/Full -
LF: Tail Asset [Found ♡ by Zhund]took me a bit but here
https://blankchii.gumroad.com/l/DHCYvx -
[Mame Hinata Exclusive] Angel Techwear -
LF: Clothes Ruskv1.12 https://workupload.com/file/p3nqbk9PsnG
v1.13 https://workupload.com/file/VFEkD3FStDeNot sure if rusk's version is in 1.13 so i uploaded both just in case. links expire in 7 days
Cheers -
3D avatar Reiz (Found by Zhund) ✔ -
LF: Moe or Fullset Cyber Cargo by mizumizushop *[Moe found by Hibiki/Fullset found by darkof]*【萌】サイバーカーゴ【セール中】
Fullset link:
https://booth.pm/en/items/4889748(Moe found by Hibiki)
(Fullset found by darkof)
LF: These Assets!! [EVERYTHING FOUND ♡ TY]Judging from the older tweet from like 2 weeks ago, i think the outfit is a WIP.
LF: Searching for Assets and Avatar!Eye texture:
https://jina0120.booth.pm/items/3807961Cat Ears: Either Rusk or Milk
https://booth.pm/en/items/2559783Wings (been looking through many pages but this is the closest one i could find):
https://booth.pm/en/items/4363226 -
LF: This clothes and the link of the productdress and shoes: https://tempasta.booth.pm/items/4878054
bunny ears:
https://poppo-shop.booth.pm/items/2898981 -
LF: Any version of Truss and Wedge (FOUND ver 2.1 from Zhund) -
Looking for the name/booth link for this hair! [SOURCE FOUND BY ZHUND, THANK YOU!!]Hair is Mophira's 2nd hair set.
https://booth.pm/en/items/3820124 -
LF: Searching for Assets and Avatar!and other hair: https://booth.pm/ja/items/3483502
LF This HairWolf layered Hair - Chocolate rice - BOOTH
[7 アバター対応] Wolf layered Hair 🍫Shinra, Grus. Maya, Mameginata, Kikyo, YugiMiyo, Selestia 🍫 [ 2023.02.21 ] 그루스 대응 추가 Grus 対応追加 [ 2023.05.11 ] Shinra 대응 추가 Shinra 対応追加 [ 2023.05.27 ] Maya 잘못 된 쉐이프키 삭제, 뒤집힌 노멀 수정 Maya 間違ったシェイプキーを削除、ひっくり返ったノーマル修正 Material 짱툰->릴툰으로 변환 Material Chantoon->liltoon変換 Selestia
LF: Rindo outfit called : Lustratio_ClothLooking for clothes from kindness.
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RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
karin texture found by leafar「カリン専用」EYEテクスチャ & ネイル - 猫だんご屋 - BOOTH
使っているアバター オリジナル3Dモデル「カリン」 https://komado.booth.pm/items/3470989 ---------------------------------------------------------- ◆内容物 -EYEテクスチャ --- カラー変更済みpngファイル12種 -ネイル --- カラー変更済みpngファイル6種(手の爪) ◆ ファイルの修正 - テクスチャーの改変は自由です ◆ 禁止事項 テクスチャーの再配布及び販売は修正の有無を問わず禁止します。
LF: These two assets! [Found ♡ by Floralias & Zhund]not 100% sure but i think they used this for the makeup with a bit of texture edits https://booth.pm/en/items/4006794