LF Naoyari by bunbum -
LF: DUCC / QVK Texture & Head Edit Glamore, EIRA and Fabel (Amelia head)bump
LF: Esme & Silas by Bakayobomp
LF Naoyari by bunbumbump
LF Naoyari by bunbumbump
LF - Aliza by Sleepy@butters34 Okieee ^^
LF - Aliza by Sleepy@butters34 good for you? idk what you expected me to say. was i supposed to be hurt by this?
LF - Aliza by Sleepy@YokoN64 You had nothing i wanted when you send that link. I have almost/if not all of those avis you sent me. I am sorry.
LF - Aliza by Sleepy@Meruem Do you have milk.fbx's new avi?
LF :Elena the SuccuCowbump
LF :Elena the SuccuCowbump
LF :Elena the SuccuCowBoimp
LF :Elena the SuccuCowbimp
LF :Elena the SuccuCowbomp
LF :Elena the SuccuCowbuoimp
LF Kimiko head texturebump
LF: DUCC / QVK Texture & Head Edit Glamore, EIRA and Fabel (Amelia head)Bump
LF :Elena the SuccuCowBumpos
LF :Elena the SuccuCowBumps
Willing to trade Aliza and Luna from SleepyCow for these Models