【 オリジナル3Dモデル 】天狐ノ鬼娘【発売記念セール中】 -
【 オリジナル3Dモデル 】天狐ノ鬼娘【発売記念セール中】Can we get PSD files for this one pls?
LF: 【4アバター対応】きらめきアイテクスチャ Eye TextureBump
LF: 3D衣装『シンプル部屋着(Simple Roomwear)』Bump
LF: Ukon second type (Ukon 2nd) clothes assetsBump
LF: 3D衣装『シンプル部屋着(Simple Roomwear)』HELLO PEOPLE
I would be appreciated If anyone could share
3D衣装『シンプル部屋着(Simple Roomwear)』アバター7体対応 - 狐の迷い宿 - BOOTH
[v1.10] 2024/07/11 新たにアバター3体対応(ちび右近、あずき、あまのよどみ) 右近弐式用衣装のウェイトを一部修正(胸、右手首) ================================================ ------------------------------------------------ ◆◆3D衣装『シンプル部屋着(Simple Roomwear)』Ver.1.10◆◆ デザイン :キツネツキ(@_kitsune_tsuki_) 3Dモデリング:キツネツキ(@_kitsune_tsuki_) 使用Shader:lilToon
LF: 【4アバター対応】きらめきアイテクスチャ Eye TextureHELLO PEOPLE
Searching this eye tex specifically for Ukon second type (Ukon 2nd) but if u have full folder thats even better!
If any soul could share it here i would be appreciated. -
LF: Ukon second type (Ukon 2nd) clothes assetsHELLO PEOPLE
Im searching for these clothes assets for the Ukon2nd.
I would be very grateful if anyone here has any of those to share. -
LF: Manuka Combat Shirt&Pantsb u m p
MANUKAbump for 2nd
LF: [7アバター対応] Midnight for Manukabump
LF: LUMINOUS (Manuka) by Rinyabump
Graceful Black Dahlia【マヌカ - MANUKA - 】bump
LF: Manuka Combat Shirt & Pantsbump