❗ LF: Yuriko by Asphyxiya -
LF: Sophie By heartmarksman | Female/Femboy |bump
Smart Shock Collar (OSC VRChat Choker)@Lovely.Moth Lets goo \o/
LF: Lucy by Hikaroobumppers
Smart Shock Collar (OSC VRChat Choker)@FunnyUsername would be appreciated!
@Lovely.Moth aww :c i dont know what to do either then. Can always message the maker, if they even respond
MAI | FT | PC | by Nemurin (FOUND BY Butters34)bap
LF: Lucy by Hikaroobump
Smart Shock Collar (OSC VRChat Choker)@Lovely.Moth Aah, yeah was hoping to have it work with openshock. Or make it work with it. Dont have a way to get it to work. I am able to get it to see/output smth to the program and it does not crash for me. Could be because I have python 3.11 installed. Might wanna try installing that and running it again
LF: Corvidribap
Smart Shock Collar (OSC VRChat Choker)@Lovely.Moth would be nice, I will let you know if I get it working ^^
Smart Shock Collar (OSC VRChat Choker)bap
LF: Lucy by Hikaroobump
LF: Lucy by Hikaroo -
LF: Corvidribump
LF: Zoel & Zayne@Exterminatus Thank you!