@slitdoll Would you mind sharing your collection of temmie's shaders? Lately it's hard to find.

LF: Timmie's New Mega Eye Shader -
LF: Cyber JawUpdate: I've got the jaw.
LF: Chainsaw Man and Ghost Arms.Update: got the arms and the avatar.
LF:Unity Tools & AssetThe links are down.
Lf: Alex Terrible Mask VRChat asset by lolamonaBump.
LF: oni maskBump.
Lookin for this maskBump.
LF this maskBump.
wings / tails & horns ^^Bump for basically all.
Looking for these 2 specific avatarsBump.
LF : Robo's "Lies of P" Effects PackBump.
V's Universal ChainsawsBump.
LF:Animated Chainsaw 【for VRChat】 変身可能なチェーンソー 【VRChat用】bump.
LF:Animated Chainsaw 【for VRChat】 変身可能なチェーンソー 【VRChat用】bump.
【VRChat】邪神の触手 虫型 / Tentacles of the Evil One【META TELIER】Bump.
TECHWEAR ADAPT By flow4ge (19 Avatar Semi-compatible)Bump.
LF: Malfunction Eye Shader by TemmieJust warning, her (Or his) Gumroad is down, instead now she has her own site apparently.
Here it is to anyone who is looking for her shop.
https://www.temmie.me -
LF: Fooly Patreon assets, any month, any yearBump.
LF: Poiyomi patreon Hologram shaderBump.