I used to have this avatar but it was banned or removed. It was the base Mamehinata avatar with a bunch of clothing/skin options and like 3 or 4 expression pages full of sync dances. Searching here isn't pulling up any results, and the Prismic's Avatar World just has a bunch of broken avatars. Anyone know where I can find the combined version with all/most assets?
Thanks in advance.

まめひなた mamehinata / オリジナル3Dモデル - もち山金魚 - BOOTH
VRChatでの使用を想定したオリジナル3Dモデルです。 Unity2022、Avatars 3.0、PhysBoneに対応。 PC版、Quest版VRChatに両対応。 ちいさくて表情豊かな犬の女の子です。 ▼まめひなた対応アイテム▼ https://booth.pm/ja/items?sort=new&tags%5B%5D=%E3%81%BE%E3%82%81%E3%81%B2%E3%81%AA%E3%81%9F ▼まめふれんずアバター▼ https://mochiyama.com/mamefriends ▼まめふれんず対応要素と各スケール値▼ 素体(Body_Base) ...

SyncDances 3.1 - Mini shop - BOOTH
"Specially made for mamehinata but can be used on ANY avatar" ADD ME ON DISCORD IF YOU NEED HELP! Discord: Kinimara A prefab that will make all the avatar that have it dance in perfect synchronization, One act as an anthena and the rest as recievers then everyone start dancing at the same time.