@Kami319 @xXxKarinLoverxXx @Frost-Iceberg
Here's the Selestia version, since I just got it.
LF Flight Suit & Collar -
LF : Mave by FoobI don't really have the time to buy her currently so it kind of ruins my chances of getting her but if anyone has her could you please give a link?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Mave Limited Time
Mave Limited Time Model 3 DaysDate Released: Friday 18thEnd Time: Sunday 20th 12am cstComes with quest versionComes With Dps3 Hair TogglesHair Hue Hair saturationHuman SkinDemon skinDemon HueDemon saturationPenisDPS EverywhereBodysuitShirtBoots/heels OptionArm WarmersGestureswhipFansButt PlugNSFWCREDITSDPS HEREShort Hair/PonytailBraidsBodysuitLatex BodysuitLatex Gloves/Croptop/Socks/armwarmers/BootsShoesWhipGarters/undies/NetsWingsHair Texture/Tail/EarsGlassesShortsFansShirtHornsTongueBody TatsBody TextureFace TextureEyesCommissioned opti syyanideCommissioned Quest ShinsoPENISRULESAny assets on this model is not for reuse! If you want to use any assets off this model use the original version by the creator themselves linked above.My edits or scratch assets are not for reuse!Your are not allowed to share assets off this model or share the package itself with anyone! this purchase is for you only. If anyone wants to this model they will need to purchase for themselves since this model is only meant for private uses ONLY.Do not upload my model public! i DO NOT care if you edited the model IT IS STILL NOT ALLOWED to upload this model public.You are allowed to have someone help you upload this model ONLY if that person also has the package as well.
Gumroad (foobbaby.gumroad.com)
LF : ARIA_MK_1 latest ver.Gumroad link is https://skullyhellfire.gumroad.com/l/skullysaria
I can't find this avatar anywhere and it is so damn cool.Thanks in advance if one of you wonderful people find it