@ashleyts for some reason, the "rindo" scene is just showing nothing in the heirarchy, and the scene in the ripped rindo folder (the place it was in the old ripped version) is the old one
God Rindo by Kissou -
God Rindo by Kissou@ashleyts also unlock it please
God Rindo by Kissou@ashleyts I mean the upload, could you please reupload it on google drive or smth?
God Rindo by Kissou@ashleyts it got removed already
God Rindo by Kissou@ashleyts could you please upload it and share the file with us?
God Rindo by Kissou@tyty0526 I FIXED IT, there are missing scripts in both the main god rindo prefab and the Wholesome Lollipop Item, remove all of them, and you should be good
God Rindo by Kissou@lodash_fun1 I keep on getting the same "attempted to load the data for an avatar we do not own" error every time I try to upload/test it, and whatever I try doesn't work (I have tried clearing the ID multiple times, reimporting the package, switching unity versions, reuploading the avatar across 3 different unity projects, using a VPN) and nothing works, IDK what to do
God Rindo by Kissou@lodash_fun1 THE GOAT
God Rindo by Kissou@lodash_fun1 Could you also please include the scene that you used to upload it because the prefab in the folder does not have functional toggles
God Rindo by KissouDoes anyone have the code
God Rindo by Kissouseen a lot around, not looking to trade
Lilly by ᴘʀᴏᴏxʏMore specifically I'm looking for the NSFW version
https://dedgamer643.gumroad.com/l/cnjeh?layout=profile (second image)