
Ao-me Vrchat Avatar -
Looking for Emilia by Wolfs Den 3DEmilia - VRChat - PC, Opti, Quest, Cross-Platform
Emilia was turned into a vampire by Viktor, joining his Coven as not just a loyal servant, but also a dependable companion & partner.Enjoy a huge amount of customization: 50+ toggles & sliders on top of outfits, hairstyles and a bunch of accessories - you're guaranteed to find your style!Fancy something more demonic? Both of our vampires come with alternate demon mode with accessories, tattoos and some special effects as well - on top of all the customization the base avatar already offers.When you've found your customization, lay down on your extravagant sofa or drop your own lamp post with tomb stones.❱❱▶ Included filesFully set up unity packages with all the different versions: PC, PC Opti, PC Cross-Platform x4 + Quest x4❱❱▶ Set up a separate project for PC with the following assets:VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) + Unity 2022.3.6f1Poiyomi Toon 9.0.57CancerSpaceVRCFury 1.986.0❱❱▶ Set up a separate project for Android/Quest with the following assets:VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) + Unity 2022.3.6f1VRCFury 1.986.0Make sure to use 'VRChat SDK - Base' 3.6.1 and 'VRChat SDK - Avatar' 3.6.1.❱❱▶ Afterwards, import our avatar and open our included scenes!Got questions? Join our Discord Server and ask away! ❱❱▶https://discord.gg/wolfsden3d❱❱▶ Customize Your AvatarMix and match toggles: 3 different hairstyles (Long, Ponytail, Short). Multiple outfits for every occasion: Main Outfit (Corset, Gloves, Headdress, Jacket, Shoes, Skirt), Casual Outfit (Jacket, Pants, Top, Shoes, Socks, Backpack, Panties), Lacey Outfit (Bodice with subsets, Neckpiece, Socks), Swimsuit, Outfit Quickchanges, Glasses(Grab & Pose it!), Piercings & Jewelry (Armbelts, Blindfold, Bracelet Arm, Bracelet Foot, Legband, Necklace, Tiara, Mask, Piercing Chest, Piercings Body, Piercings Ear, Piercings Face, Chest Cover, 1 Nail Piercing), Accessories (Tail, Wings Upper + Lower, Horns)Shapes and Colors: Inclusive Body Shape adjustments via sliders, Abs slider, Nail length, 4 alt makeup and 1 no makeup look, Runny makeup, Human Skintone Range (Pale - Tan - Dark), Full Fantasy Skintone Range, 4 tattoos (Back, Succubus, Corruption Face + Body), Black Scalera, Black Tongue, Eye Color (Each eye separately), 4 Eye alt tex, Hair Color + Emission, 4 Hair alt tex, Outfit/Main Color, Secondary Color, White Tint and Black Tint including RBG on various parts of the outfits, Accent Color, Metallics full hue + specific metal tones, Tanlines, Shader Settings (Brightness, Shadow Strength, Wet Skin, Sweat, Glitter, Outline), Wing Size❱❱▶ ExtrasProps and addons: Comfy & elegant sofa, spooky Lamp post with graves, Sparkly Skin, Hide in Mirror & Hide in Camera toggles, Vanish Toggle, Toy set, Lollipop, Allow Interaction toggle, GoGo Loco basicSpecial Effects: Bite & Drink SFX, controllable Blood, additional VFX on Vanish, Idle FX that target the whole body & the demon parts, Demon Mode Quickmenu & Transform, Color Shift for all VFX❱❱▶ Avatar DynamicsInteractions & Idles: Face Idle, Tail idle, Tail Puppet, Wing Idle, Wing Puppet,Proper Physics & Collisions that adjust with body shapes, Contact Toggles, Expression Particles Toggle, Headpat, Nose boop, Ear pull, Tummy rub, Chest touch, Neck touch, Slap12 different expressive gestures : Slow Blink via Trigger (Fist R, Fist L), Happy (Open R), Sleepy (Open L), Confused (Fingerpoint R), Sad (Fingerpont L), Shy Flirty (Victory R), Confident Flirty (Victory L), Annoyed (RockNRoll R), Angry (RockNRoll L), Smug (Handgun R), Timid (Handgun L), Surprised (ThumbsUp R), Blep (ThumbsUp L), Breath particles toggle for Flirty, Heart particles toggle for Headpet & Tummy Rub❱❱▶ Optimized Version (PC Green)Optimized & Feature rich: Inclusive Body Shape adjustments via sliders, Nail length, All Expressions & Contacts except Slap, Proper Physics & Squish Bones where supported, Casual Outfit, Shader Settings (Brightness, Shadow Strength, Wet Skin, Glitter, Outline), Tattoo (Corruption Face + Body + Back), 8 alt hair tex, 4 alt makeups, runny makeup, 3 alt eye tex, Black Scalera, Black Tongue, Human Skintone Range (Pale -> Tan -> Dark), Eyes (Each eye separtely: hue + saturation), Hair Color (hue + saturation), Hair Emission (strength + hue + saturation), Outfit (hue + saturation), Vanish Toggle, Contact Toggle, GoGo Loco basic❱❱▶ Quest Version & Cross-Platform (PC) - 4 PresetsMobile ready in all her glory: Texture detail baked into single maps, allowing higher res tex, comes with 4 different versions: Pale, Tan, Choco, Demon. All Expressions & Contacts, Proper Physics & Squish Bones where supported, 3 Outfits (Main, Casual, Lacey), Outfit toggle, Piercings & Jewelry (Armbelts, Blindfold, Bracelet Arm, Bracelet Foot, Legband, Tiara, Piercing Chest, Piercings Body, Piercings Ear, Piercings Face, Chest Cover), Accessories (Tail, Wings Upper, Horns), Transform Toggle, Face Idle, Tail idle, Wing Idle, Tail Puppet, Wing Puppet, Inclusive Body Shape adjustments via sliders, Nail length slider, Contact Toggles, Lollipop, GoGo Loco basicAdditional Notes: Comes with all alternate eye and hair textures, simply drag & drop them into the materials 'Eye' and 'Hair' and upload them with it! Keep in mind that on Android/Quest you'll likely get an error-prompt about texture compression in your Upload Panel - Simply hit auto fix.❱❱▶ By purchasing this asset you agree to adhere to and follow the following terms:- Do no claim the avatar or design to be yours.- This avatar is Personal Use only! Do not share, upload, distribute or make the avatar available to anyone else than yourself.- Do not reuse any assets from this avatar.- You are not allowed to use this avatar or its assets for any Commercial Use.- Credit Wolfs Den 3D when using our avatar in e.g. social media.❱❱▶ CreditsAll assets are made from scratch by Wolfs Den 3D except the following:Body - SanyaCosmos, Head - 23minkBody Textures - LPB, Face Texture - YingYang, Makeup Overlay - Kaisumi, Eye Tex - mowsterowo, WetCatLong Hair - Sleepy, Ponytail - Saikura, Short Hair - SaikuraHair Textures - mowsterowo, Skulli, WetCat, Hair Alpha - CicieaaaVRCasual Outfit: Jacket + Top - Darcy, Pants - Darcy, Shoes - Pursu, Backpack - Eliza; Swimsuit - LPBTiara - x0gogo0xGoGo Loco - franadaOther - Wholesome, DismaySFX, VFX Texture - Motion Array, Unluck Software, FullBodySmoke - Zepwlert, Liquid Blood - GmsboxPlease check out all these talented creators! Keep in mind that we edit other assets often heavily, e.g. base and hair.Thank you for taking a look at our products here at Wolfs Den 3D! We're always looking for ways to give you the best Virtual Reality experience we can! Your support and interest is what keeps us going <3❱❱▶ https://discord.gg/wolfsden3d
Gumroad (wolfsden3d.gumroad.com)
LF: [[ G ι υ τ τ ο π γ ]] by Siriusthats the discord
LF: [[ G ι υ τ τ ο π γ ]] by Sirius -
LF: [[ G ι υ τ τ ο π γ ]] by Sirius@weirdweed would love to but aint got the money
LF: [[ G ι υ τ τ ο π γ ]] by SiriusInstead of just discussing this shit, just post the download link for the avi
LF: [[ G ι υ τ τ ο π γ ]] by Siriusbump
LF Imeris booth assetsbump
LF Imeris booth assets【100アバター以上対応】SpookyNail【VRネイルチップ】【MDollnail対応】 #あんらぼぶい - 𝔸𝕟-𝕃𝕒𝕓𝕠.𝕍𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝🎀 - BOOTH
本アイテムに興味を持っていただきありがとうございます! こちらは Minuet_Dollさまの 【販売OK!】シェアできる汎用ジェルネイルチップ『MDollnail』【VRChat】 https://minuetdoll.booth.pm/items/3114352 を利用し制作したネイルテクスチャです。 当商品には3Dモデル及びネイルテクスチャ・設定済マテリアルが同梱されておりますので、当商品のみご購入いただくだけでご利用いただくことができます。 ハロウィンをモチーフにしたネイルで、 パープル・オレンジ・ヴァイオレット 計3色 x 4タイプのネイルチップセットです。
[Symphony of Duchess] イメリス (Imeris).ver - Koreanbural - BOOTH
◀Others info▶ [Original 3D model] https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/3040745 [poiyomishader_8.1.163] https://poiyomi.com/ [AvatarTools] https://kurotori.booth.pm/items/1564788
Super Sonic - Goudan WorkShop&GOUDAN ワークショップ - BOOTH
Leeme&Reeva用の服! 対応モデル【3Dモデル】Leeme -リーメ- & Reeva -リーバ-はこちら! https://booth.pm/ja/items/972559 Eyo用の服! 対応モデ:オリジナル3Dモデル「イヨ」 https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/2630437 Koyuki用の服! 対応モデ:オリジナル3Dモデル「狐雪」 https://kyubihome.booth.pm/items/2554585 Kokoa用の服! 対応モデ:オリジナル3Dモデル「ここあ」
Imeris La Fontaine De Jouvence -【イメリス・ラ・フォンテーヌ・ドゥ・ジュバンス】 - Rayleonard - BOOTH
Grit those teeth, cletch those hands! It's time to show the fruits of your labour! Raleonard proudly presents, La Fontaine De Jouvence. 100% effort, 200% skill.
WinterSuit - Goudan WorkShop&GOUDAN ワークショップ - BOOTH
Selestia用の服! 対応モデ:オリジナル3Dモデル「セレスティア」 https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/4035411 Rindo用の服! 対応モデ:オリジナル3Dモデル「竜胆」 https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/3443188 Kikyo用の服! 対応モデ:オリジナル3Dモデル「桔梗」 https://booth.pm/ja/items/3681787 Imeris用の服! 対応モデ:[セール中]オリジナル3Dモデル「イメリス」ver1.00 https://booth.pm/ja/items/3040745
LF Imeris Symphony of Duchess outfitLink is dead
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Runa Spinal implant (Found by CoolGuyMeikai) ✔@Shino All you have to do is drag the spinal implant (all of it) into the spine part of runa's armature, it works just as well doing that
LF: Wolfs Den 3D avatars: Dawn, Sachi, Chloe, Cinder, Miki [3/5]Need Chloes download
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LF newest Vylilith avihttps://iridescence.gumroad.com/l/RDQVyllith?layout=profile
if anyone has her, let me know
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