Nico & JHK Mantled Beast
Please, try it in the VRChat world before buying it ! I don't want to disappoint peoples, you get what you see on the public avatar.World link to try it: made by Honeymoss, called Mantled Beast.Avatar made by Nicoreda and JediHaloKnight.Public Discord: big thanks to all the early testers who helped a lot making that avatar working properly ! PC and Quest CompatibleCurrently Included: Two Textures pack (Substance File) Two different type of eye, one Geometry (PC and QUEST) and one Paintable on any drawing app (PC) Different Blendshape for body shaping and visor shape modification BEANS Custom shaders for Strip and Display working with AudioLink and Voice Activity (PC) Gestures emotes, setup for Avatar 3.0 Unity files used for this avatar: Poiyomi Dynamic Bones VRChat SDK llealloo AudioLink package Licensing:Upon purchase, you are free to edit and use the files.You are not allowed to:- Claim it as your own- Send the files to anyone- Using part of the avatars to sell a "new" kit-bashed avatarYou are allowed to make public avatar, but if you want a commission of this avatar from someone else, you'll have to purchase the avatar here before.You are allowed to do commission if both parties purchase the model.
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