LF: Ears and tails (active thread? :3) -
Who has the file to this booth clown models?@zillarami go ahead lol i do not care i was just stating its rare if they would get them lol
Ratzu by Cozu (FOUND by nekoluvvs) -
LF: alien set -
(FOUND 1) matching aliens zara and zaidabump
LF yukikobump
Trading for assets like tails and ears ↺UPDATING SOON↺@MarbledMoo its there click on the bumby ears right below the booth link
LF yukikobumpp
strawbunnys new avi shikibumpp
LF: Saikura assets (52/64)they deleted my comment for posting a clone link when someone asked for it :c
How to upload files -
How to upload filesu can use workupload and upload the file of wtv u bought and then share the link
LF: Saikura assets (52/64)@SuggrRush omgg i wan too :333 all of nessys stuff is so cute but honestly not alot of it is leaked or shared anywhere :c
GIFT: MIKA BY SORA PC ONLY UNITY PACKAGE@fluffye3 u got link or files or wtv T-T ion know what it is
LF: ʚ Ruby ( PC+Q・FT・GOGO ) ɞ here :33
✔(FOUND BY nekoluvvs) Elora by cosmowosguys the creator dmd me asking for it to be took down so i did sry
✔(FOUND BY nekoluvvs) Elora by cosmowos404, List Not Found ~ pixeldrain
Pixeldrain is a file transfer service, you can upload any file and you will be given a shareable link right away. pixeldrain also supports previews for images, videos, audio, PDFs and much more.
pixeldrain (
(!FOUND! by nekoluvvs) Yurei The Deer by GothMommyRin i hope ppl learn sharing is caring :3
LF i'm ok "Textures" Selestia, Moe, Shinra, and Manuka [Found: 0/4]